Chapter 8: Well, It Happened

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Sorry for not updating in the four days, but I was busy with family and I needed to make sure this was good enough. I might push the four days into a week for updating. It gives me more time and I get to make sure each chapter is at it's absolute best. 

Paige's POV (TBH I could have put this section in the last chapter, but whatever)

When I saw Trenton out of my window, I saw the scar on his chest, the one close to his heart. It was so discolored to the rest of his skin. He wasn't pale by any means, he must have gotten some sun while he has been here, or even before he moved. At least he doesn't get spray tans.

Anyway, was this scar apart of the accident that Tracy mentioned? Most likely. The temptation to ask him on Sunday is high, but the logical side of me says to leave it be. Out of respect. Only talk about it when he brings it up. Since then, I have been racking ideas on how to apologize to Trenton. A simple apologie wouldn't do, a card wouldn't do, and something too extravagant would be overkill.

A knock on my bedroom door distracted me as I mumbled out a 'come in'. My Dad was in the doorway, "Hey kiddo, you got a minute?"

"Minutes are all I got Dad. What's up?" I said, still laying on my bed, feet in the air, phone in hand.

"What's going on, Paige? You seemed distracted. Is it Trenton? What happened?" Dad loved to ask questions, he didn't like to prod because he knows people have business that isn't meant to be exposed.

"Well, some things are going on..." I trailed off

"What things?" Dad inquired.

"That Trenton likes me." I blurted out unceremoniously

He chuckled, "What's so bad about it?"

"Well, it was how I handled it. I had basically disregarded his feelings. I broke his heart and I fear he'll never talk to me. I have to apologize to him. I feel so bad." I said as tears leaked out of my eyes. I sat up and hugged my Dad.

He kissed the top of my head as he hugged me, "Are you going to talk to him?"

"Hopefully Sunday. I plan to make it up to him. I now know that my feelings are true. I like him, a lot. It hurts my heart to know that I've caused him heartbreak. Even Tracy, his little sister, grilled me on it." I explained to my Dad.

"Well, it seems that he's the one. Do you agree?" Dad asked.

"He's the one," and for the first time in the past few hours, a small smile made itself present on my face.

"I see. Now, tell me how you plan on making it up to him." Dad asked and so I told him.

Trenton's POV

Saturday passed rather slowly. I could only think about if I was actually going to go see Paige tomorrow. The thoughts, the 'what ifs' kept plaguing me and I just wanted this day to pass, but I also didn't.

"Trenton?" I looked over to my door to see Mum standing there. "You've been quiet."

"I don't need a reason, do I?" I retorted lazily, not really caring.

"Alright, what happened?" Mum asked.

I sighed, "Nothing that you need to worry about Mum."

"So there is something wrong? Is it school?" I didn't answer, "Living here?" No answer, "Is it about Paige?" At that, I tensed. Mum noticed, "What did she do?"

I figured it would be best for some motherly advice, "I told Paige I liked her, but she disregarded my feelings. Mum, I yelled at Tracy, and I never do that. I just, I felt..."

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