Chapter 7: Scolding, Chatting, Batting, and Food

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This Picture is how Trenton initials stuff. I'll mention it where to reference picture with an *.

Also, updates at 12:45 AM, Go Me!!


Paige's POV

    I couldn't believe that Trenton Foster likes me. I know I'm fangirling right now, but what can I say besides 'yay!' The only problem was, how I went about it.

    When he wrote to me 'It's true tho' on that note, I was shocked, to say the least, and when I threw it away, I saw the look on his face. He was hurt, and well, I do feel bad. Scratch that, I regret doing it, but I couldn't have anyone peeking over my shoulder seeing it. Selfish I know, but that doesn't excuse me.

    He tried to keep it normal with a conversation, but behind those beautiful hazel eyes, there was heartbreak and hurt. I know I did, just by my actions. I don't have anything to justify it, but I didn't know how to cope. Now, he probably hates me and doesn't ever want to see me again. I doubt he'll even show Sunday because of me.

    A knock on my door brought me out of my mind rant. I walked to the door and opened, and it surprised me that it was Tracy. "What did you do to my brother?" she glared at me with pure determination.

    "I-I-I uh I-" I couldn't even get a sentence out as she pushed past me and shut the door.

    "YOU BROKE HIS HEART PAIGE!!" she screamed at me. I hung my head in shame about it. I don't know how to fix it. "He thinks you aren't returning his feelings, and he even yelled at me. Do you know what Trenton never does to me? Hmm? He never yells at me, he never loses his cool. He never just loses it like that. You took his feelings and threw them away with that note. You didn't think about it, did you? You didn't think that my brother has a heart? He likes you, and he's going to be an emotional void this weekend. He won't show it, but he'll feel it. You and I both know this isn't how Trenton acts and you barely even know him. I know my older brother, and when I say he's heartbroken, he feels it twice as bad as you ever could." Tracy reprimanded me. Problem is, she's right. I led her to the couch and she sat across from me, glaring at me like I should be six feet under.

    "You know how long he's been waiting for the right person to come along, Paige?"

    "No." my voice low and dejected.

    "Since he was fourteen. He was way too mature for his age." She let out a small chuckle before continuing, "He took care of me for months at a time when our parents were on business trips somewhere around the world. They left a fourteen-year-old alone with his ten-year-old sister, no nanny or caretaker. Just us and a big house. He took care of me, fed me/cooked for me, and made sure I was okay before himself. That's my brother, selfless. Do you know what that shows to me? It shows me that he cares about those close to him and just wants someone to share it with." Then her face was filled with fear, "He's going to be what he was like after the accident, and I don't know if I'll be able to bring him back."

"Accident?" I inquired, he didn't seem like he was in an accident. He showed no signs of being in an accident. Questions formed, but I stopped as Tracy spoke again.

Tracy pointed a finger at me, "You're not allowed to ask him about that, let alone mention it to him. I've said too much on it." Then she started to cry, "I can't lose him again."

I got up from my spot and I moved over to Tracy, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, attempting to comfort her. To my complete surprise, she let it stay. I thought she would shove it off. Her body was racked with sobs and silent tears. What happened to him that made her act like this?

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