Chapter 3: Pizza and Friends

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 After thinking about it, the best way for me to tell Tracy was after school. Simple as that, but first, History awaits. The class itself was boring, but everyone seemed to have been paying attention to me and not the teacher. So, I had to sit with a neutral expression on my face, ignoring everyone and everything.

The final bell rung and I headed to my locker to dump some stuff in it, my backpack was actually heavy, filled with notebooks and a couple of textbooks. How does anyone here not have a dislocated shoulder from all the weight?

Standing at my locker caused more stares and I just wanna crawl in a hole and be left alone. I have mentioned it in passing once and I'll say it again: Being popular isn't for me.

Tracy seemed to have wondered her way over here, "Hey Trenton!" she said as she appeared next to me. Gasps and whispers are being tossed around at Tracy, who apparently dared approach me.

"Hey, sis, ready to go home?" I asked, making a side glance at her.

"Yeah, soooo how is it being popular?" she teased.

"Let me be honest Tracy, I hate it with a burning passion. You know how I am." I stated matter-of-factly.

"I get that" and then she went around to my right side, where the hickey is, "What's this?" she asked pointed to the said hickey.

"I'll explain in the truck, right now, we have a crowd, that won't mind their own business!!" I raised my voice at the last part and everyone scattered, you think people would learn by now. Nowadays, the high school thrives on one person's drama and life. It just so happens that the attention is now focused on me.

Tracy followed me out and we were going to leave but someone was lingering on the truck, and who else would it be?


"What do you want, Paige?" I said in a bored tone.

"Well, I could go for the dirty answer, but I would like a ride home? Please?" She said, batting her eyelashes. Hell, why does every girl do that? It won't work on me.

Trace interrupted, "Sure, I'll sit in the back, you can ride shotgun." I glared at Tracy not hiding my disapproval and she returned it before saying, "What got into your pants today?"

"She almost did," I said pointing to Paige.

"Well...., yeah that's true, but you did enjoy it," Paige stated.

"I'm out of the loop here aren't I?" Tracy asked, eyebrows raised.

"Very. Paige, get in, tell me your address and I'll take you home." I said with a sigh.

The drive home was boring, but what made it worse was that Paige lived like, two houses down, so I guess fate is just telling me something. We did, however, drive by the coast to see the Pacific Ocean. The beach looked packed for a Thursday. I can't imagine what it would like on Friday night.

Paige and Tracy were chatting and talking fashion, which intrigued me. Tracy never talks about fashion. Then again, I'm not one for fashion, so that makes sense

We passed a few convenient stores and also a place that interested me, a batting cage. Perfect. I could practice my swings and stuff. I mentioned that we moved over the summer, well, it was like the last three weeks of summer. So, I haven't had time to explore San Diego. Maybe this weekend I'll make a trip out to see the sights.

"Turn right here," Paige said, breaking her conversation for a second. Wait, I normally turn right here, to go home.

"Where exactly do you live? This is the route I would use to get home." I said inquisitively.

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