Chapter 23: Thanksgiving with the Fosters

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Paige's POV
Thursday, November 22nd, 2018
Thanksgiving Day

When Trenton warned me about his family being huge, he was not kidding. I was thinking he had like a couple of cousins and a few aunts and uncles. Nope. I was completely wrong. He told me in his truck that there would be a cousin who would flirt with me constantly and he was not wrong. I've told her to back off and that I'm taken. She, however, didn't get the hint. I was really close to slapping the shit out of her just to get my point across, but she seems kinky enough.

His parents, who insist on me calling them Daniel and Marissa, don't seem to notice how uncomfortable I am around his cousin. I think her name was Mackenzie. She tried to flirt with me all day yesterday as the pre-Thanksgiving dinner, and I was so uncomfortable that Trenton offered for us to go elsewhere. I stubbornly said that I wasn't leaving because of one person. Trenton, on the other hand, looked about ready to beat that bitch into the ground. He was constantly glaring at his cousin and she was smirking like she just won the damn lottery. I was about ready to slap her. She would constantly graze her fingertips on my arm, calling it an accident and I almost gave her the Thanksgiving clapback of the century by saying she shouldn't have been born, but that would be taking it a little too far. After all, if I wasn't going to say it, Trenton certainly was.

Her parents were actually sweet and very pleasant to talk to. I just wonder how their cousin came from those two sweet people. While I do like the tattoos she has, she says she has them elsewhere and that I was free to look. It took a lot of willpower to not cringe at the horrible insinuation. It made me wish I could rewind time just so that I didn't have to hear it.

Even little Tracy was glaring at Mackenzie, and let me tell you, it was as adorable as it was terrifying. The tiny teenager looked just about ready to fling the mash potatoes from her plate in her face and then laugh, take pictures, and post it all over Facebook.

The only reprieve that we got was when we went to bed that night. I cuddled with Trenton, him being the big spoon and I was the little spoon. He made sure to lock his door, and I don't care what his family thinks. I don't trust her. This girl outright admitted that she got people to cheat in their current relationships and I almost vomited right then and there. People like that are the worst that could ever exist. Like, how could you make someone cheat on them? The other questions I had on my mind were much worse, and those won't see the light of day. Even Trenton's friends didn't like her and she tried to hit on them too. Safe to say, they laid the insults on her like a tonne of bricks. Trenton pretended to have his headphones in and I pretended that I was listening to one of his songs, which I had to admit, was kind of a bop.

Meeting his family all at once though, that felt like the circus was in town, population the Foster family. Again, Trenton warned me and I thought it couldn't possibly be that large. I was wrong, and I was wrong about his house too. I thought it would be like this huge ass mansion with like three different balconies, but I was once again, wrong. It was a mansion, but every room had a use. Trenton had a game room that he always played in, there were three bathrooms, seven rooms, three for the family, and four guest rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, and closets. I mean, I grew up in some lavish houses, but those felt empty, not like this. This felt like home.

Currently, Trenton and I were on his bed, cuddling whilst on our phones. His room was vastly different compared to San Diego. He had a couple of posters of Dolphins, and he told me that he wanted to swim with some one day. I made a mental note of that. He had a couple of old drawings from when he was a kid. He also had his old Xbox here and said if I wanted to play a game, I could. He even had this show which I thought was a fever dream. Code Lyoko. Okay, like we both nerded out about the show and it was great. He admitted that he actually dreamed about being in the show. I did too. We both admitted that we had ideas of what we wanted to look like. So, naturally, we binged the show, skipping most of the first season. The animation got way better on in the second season, but the final season was my favorite. He liked the second season more because of the character development, while I like the new outfits and how they directed the plot. It felt much more thought out, instead of being repeated over and over again. While we were binging the show, Trenton scrolled through his twitter and saw that everyone was freaking out that he was home.

Home BaseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon