Chapter 15: Admit It

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The chapter you all, hopefully, wanted is here. Their tension was wayyy too high, so enjoy!


Trenton's POV
Saturday, October 13th, 2018

The trip to France flew by and I enjoyed myself a lot. Paige and I almost got a lot more intimate than intended; a few times. We haven't done it yet, and we have been kind of awkward these past few days. I wanted to say the words, but they were caught in my throat.

I admit that I have fallen in love with Paige Grant. She has that smile that sends all of my nerves on overdrive, my heart rate speeds up, and I stutter. I never stutter. So naturally, Paige uses that smile whenever she feels like it.

Which is most of the time.

We got back from France on Friday afternoon, but we were so tired from touring the sights. You all can stop your dirty line of thinking now. Anyway, we went to every place Paige listed because I want my girlfriend to be happy, even though we are in that super confusing 'are you going to say it' stage.

I wanted to say it in France, but I didn't know if she truly returned the feelings. I thought about calling my friends from New York to give me advice, but I thought harder about it and I decided against it. I could ask Tracy, maybe she'll know what to do.

I got up from my bed and walked over to Tracy's room. I knocked on the door because I am courteous before entering. "Hey, sis?"

Tracy didn't react at first because she was engrossed in The Odyssey. It is a good read to be fair. She then shut the book and looked surprised to see me, "What's up Trent?"

"I need advice... about Paige... Cause I've admitted to myself that I love her but I haven't told her yet and I didn't know if she returned the feeling and I-"


"-don't know what to do because we are in this weird stage-"


"-of our relationship and I don't want to fu-"

"Trenton!" Tracy shouted, snapping me out of my mindless ranting.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Do you love her with all your heart? Do you love everything about her? The good, the bad, and the ugly? Do you love being around her? Does she make you feel complete? If the answer is yes to every question, then she is the one." Tracy and I locked eyes and she added, "You know, I should become a counselor for you two. You both come to me when you have questions. For once, I feel like the older sister, not the younger sister."

"I do love her with all my heart. She has made me feel things that I never thought of before. I love everything about her. Her personality is my favorite thing; anything after it is a bonus. I would walk through nightmares for her. What kind of question is that? I've never felt more complete than now. So yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes." I responded with one-hundred percent sincerity.

"Then you can tell her you love her. Who knows? She might say it back," Tracy said with a grin. She kissed my cheek before whispering, "It's good to have you back."

I hugged her and kissed her crown, "It's good to be back Trace. Thank you. Love you."

She giggled, "Love you too, Trenton. Now, go get your girl and tell her. Homecoming is just around the corner." She's right.

According to Christian, there are posters around the school for Homecoming on November 2nd. Which is a Friday; so that means everyone is going to get plastered that night. It's high school, people go out, get drunk, have sex, it's nothing different compared to my old school.

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