Chapter 20: Our Departure

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Second Chapter in four days! I did a thing! Be proud and Enjoy!


Paige's POV
Saturday, November 3rd, 2018
Day After Homecoming

My eyes opened up slowly, and quickly shutting them as the light blinded me. I felt sore and I blushed as I knew exactly why. I felt a strong arm around my waist, holding my back to someone's front. I could feel it against my backside and how that was in me.

He was gentle because of this and it was also his first time, so we both lost our virginities last night, or was it this morning? I don't know, time slipped away while we were both on cloud nine. I shifted around so I could see his face, he has a little stubble growing. I noticed it last night, when his face was in the crook of my neck, kissing, licking, marking me. My neck had a few hickeys and bites scattered about probably.

I tried to check what time it was and the arm tightened, "Where are you going?" Holy shit, if he keeps talking like this, I may just want another round. That voice is sexy.

"Morning, boyfriend," I whispered, "I just wanted to check the time, isn't your sister's flight soon?"

The warmth that Trenton's arm gave me disappeared as he reached for his phone, it showed the time as nine-thirty in the morning. "We should probably head home and shower. Separately, I have no doubt that you are giving me a lustful look right about now."

Damn it, he was right. I released my bottom lip from between my teeth, a habit I guess. "Fine, come on, you drove us, now drive us home. But first, get dressed, and that goes for me too," I said sliding out of bed and looking for my dress. Everything was haphazardly thrown around, but everything was there. My legs felt like jelly, but that's what I get for accepting Trenton's package.

Trenton groaned but complied. He sat up, rubbed his eyes, and grabbed his boxers that were in arms reach. His toned back was to me and my face flushed, I was under that bulk of muscle and he was my boyfriend. Oh boy, Sandra is going to want all the details, that dirty girl. I slipped on my underwear, bra, and my dress then threw my hair into a messy bun. This cabin is someplace that I could come back to again and again, but now that we've done the deed. I can imagine it is only going to get better from here. Trenton managed to get his pants and undershirt back on. He carefully took the blazer from the tux and gently carried it. "Aren't you going to clean up?" this place did look a little haphazard.

"I will, when I come back from the airport, I promised Tracy I would see her off. She really doesn't want to go, but they are my parents. I just hope Tracy can live without me for three weeks," Trenton sighed as he opened the passenger door to his truck, gesturing for me to get in. Chivalry isn't dead after all, take that Internet...

"Why three weeks?" I asked.

"Well, Thanksgiving break will be around, for both of our schools. I still keep track of them because that way, I could possibly surprise the town when I got back. You know I basically became a celebrity back in New York?" Trenton explained as he got in the driver seat and started the engine.

As he pulled out on to the highway again I asked, "You mentioned it once or twice, but forgive my rudeness, but why would they care? You're just a normal teenage boy who just lost his virginity last night that plays baseball really well. Also, why not take me with you? To New York, I mean?" I said with a coy smile as Trenton eyed me.

"Is that an invitation for later?" He asked breathlessly as his hand went through his hair, just like I did last night. I wonder if he has marks from my nails on his shoulders... "Paige?"

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