Chapter 22: Going Home

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Trenton's POV

Thursday, November 8th, 2018

School throughout the week felt like some habitual ritual. Heh, that rhymed. The only constant I had was with Paige. I don't know what I would do without her. Does it sound bad? I mean probably, but right now, I'm overthinking it.

Sometime this week, Paige managed to convince her parents to let her go with me to New York for Thanksgiving. I was really happy, and I could feel my mood perk up at the vague mention of seeing Tracy. I haven't been able to talk to her as much as I would like. It should be easy to talk but when I'm done with school, she's already doing something else and when she calls me I'm doing something else. Honestly, the wait grating on my nerves, and I was about fed up with it.

"I'm sooo bored! Paigeeee, relieve me of my boredom..." I said to my girlfriend across the room acting exasperated.

She turned up from her work with a loving expression, "Don't give me ideas, Trenton. I will gladly act upon them and you won't like it. Just do your homework and then we can figure it out."

Not replying, I turned my head back to my Calculus homework. Let me be honest, it was boring as all hell. I hated doing it, but it was at least passing the time. I still wondered what Tracy was doing.

Tracy's POV

I miss Trenton. I miss my big brother and I miss my future sister-in-law. While it was nice to be back in New York, I felt a piece of me being left in California. While my friends were happy that I was back, and so unexpectedly. I tried to give them attention, but I was just missing my big brother.

School was nice, I guess. The teachers were surprised and no surprise, they were looking for my brother. I said he was still in California and left it at that. Mum and Dad haven't noticed my mood, yet I project it constantly. They probably already know but are delaying the inevitable. I liked it when Trenton gave me rides to school, he would bug me, but also treat me more like an adult. He knew I grew up fast, but he also didn't want to rob me of my childhood. He got a pretty rude awakening in his accident.

Paige better be taking care of him and if she isn't, then we are going to exchange some words. The bus stopped at my house and I got up and stepped off the bus. Then all of a sudden, flashes were in my face. The paparazzi were here, great.

"Why did you move back?"

"Any word on your brother?"

More questions and it felt like everything was overwhelming. Thankfully, the bus driver stepped out, "Leave her alone, can't you see you're frightening her? She's fourteen, if she doesn't want to talk, then she doesn't want to talk." They turned towards me, "Do you want me to walk you to the door?"

Words failed me so I nodded. They parted out of the way and we headed up to the stairs. The house wasn't a mansion, but it was slightly larger than the average size house. Once we made it to the front door, I pulled out my house key and opened the door. Before I shut the door, I turned, "Thank you."

"Not a problem, Tracy. Let me know if they continue to pester you. If you can, tell your brother I'll look out for you," they said with a kind smile.

Smiling back softly, "I will."

Once I shut the door, I went to my room, and I put my backpack down, I started to cry, and it made it worse because Trenton wasn't there to soothe me. I hated this feeling. It may seem like a phase, but I just... I love my big brother, even if he does tease me, but he shows it in other ways. Helping me with homework, or just annoying me. The house feels so empty, and I have to pass Trenton's old room every day, just to dig into my heart even more. Why can't Thanksgiving be here sooner?

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