Chapter 17: Day After Next, Kinda

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Trenton's POV

Thursday, October 25th, 2018

I can't believe that they would rip Tracy away from me, her older brother. Why? Why would they do that? They don't trust me?

I groaned in frustration as the thoughts went by. It didn't really help that I was so far out of it that I didn't notice I arrived at school. I still haven't even told Paige what happened. Right now, Tracy knows about the general things but not everything. They told her they would be going on a 'trip'. A 'trip' my ass. I couldn't contain my anger internally, so I clenched my fists and dug my fingernails into my palm, in an attempt to distract me.

My mind brings me back to yesterday's conversation after my parents told me about their plans for Tracy.

Flashback, Foster Household

"You plan on making her go with you? Why?" I exclaimed, borderline desperate to not let her. As much as my parents don't know, she was the reason that I didn't fall into severe depression. She kept me grounded, always checking up on me, making sure I was noticed.

"She's not of age to make that choice, Trenton," Dad said, trying to keep up this stern facade he has going on. "We know how inseparable you two are. It did not make this decision easy."

"Easy?! You're taking away my little sister, the same little sister I raised for four years! While you," pointing at both of my parents, "were off working. I know you didn't leave a nanny with us because you felt I was responsible enough. Even after the accident, you still trusted me. In hindsight, at that point, she was taking care of me," I was livid. My blood was rushing to my ears and my heart rate climbed.

"Trent, honey," Mum interjected, but I was not having it.

"Mom," I stressed and that threw them for a loop. I always, and I mean always, call my mother by 'Mum', not 'Mom'. That only happens when I get real close to snapping, losing my composure.

Mum and Dad noticed the change in my mood and tried to change the topic, "So, how is Paige? Getting along?"

"No, no, no, you don't get to change the topic at hand. This is about splitting us up. You know I have cared for Tracy for a long time, and trust me, I got the older brother routine down pat, but moving back to New York and taking her? What, you crazy?" I stared dumbfounded at my parents, the look in their eyes suggesting that I'm not going to be able to convince them.

"Don't I get a say in this?" The voice belonging to my lovely younger sister said and I whipped my head around, giving myself a headache. Damn brain.

Tracy was standing at the bottom of the stairs, her bottom lip quivering. She is trying really hard to not break down. Looking back to my parents, "Apparently, you don't," and I left the house, slamming the door in the process.

I drove to a small village about twenty minutes away and I found a nice hill to relax on. I looked up at the evening sky and wished for this not to happen. I cared about Tracy, and I didn't want her to go. Who was going to ward off her boyfriends when they got too handsy? Who was going to comfort her when she cries? I can't do that when I'm across the country.

So, the next thing I did was scream into the sky, letting all my emotions out. I screamed until my throat was raw. Then, as if nothing happened, I climbed into my truck and drove home. Paige had texted me four times asking questions on why I left the house, why Tracy looked like she got ran over by a bus, where I am, and how I am.

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