Chapter 4: Look From the Other Side

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Paige's POV

When Trenton came over and handed me the pizza, I found that he was a little nervous and it was really cute. It also included the fact that he was not so subtly checking me out. I normally don't wear these kinds of clothes, but today was an exception. It was super hot out, well at least today was. I don't know why he got pizza but I did pay for it and left the note.

Trenton Foster is the kid who doesn't like the spotlight but is in the spotlight anyway. As a matter of fact, he's trending on Twitter, everyone is obsessing over him and his baseball skills. He did mention baseball when I talked to him, and I guess he's good at it. When Mr. Hope saw him, his eyes widened, he already knew who he was. Rumors circulated the school when the media found out his family was moving across the country. He moved to San Diego, maybe not the best place, but it could be worse, he could have moved across the ocean or something. His parents work for my parents at the company. Being a CEO's daughter isn't as all cracked up to be. I mean, yeah, the money is nice, but it is not what I want. I want romance and someone who takes me for me.

People try to flirt with me, try to get in between my legs, try to go for the money, but Trenton..... He's different. Even though he doesn't act interested, I have a small feeling that he is.

He's at least more modest, handsome, and caring than Derek Barnes. My cheating ex. I might as well tell the story between us.

So, Derek Barnes was a good boy turned bad. He got mixed up in the wrong crowds and I guess that's what made me fall for him. I was young and naive and wanted to experience love. My parents were high school sweethearts, so they had smooth sailing. People thought they wouldn't last because of their clashing personalities. Even though I wasn't even a thought in my father's eye, I can see the way my Dad looks at my Mom, full of love, lust, and commitment. I wanted that and Derek was the one. At least... until he wasn't.

It started off as him not texting me 'Good Morning' like he normally did. Then, our conversations were getting shorter and shorter. Eventually, we stopped talking, but we didn't break up. Weird, I know. What drew the final straw was when I got home from softball practice, yes I used to play but not anymore, and I heard sounds coming from a room. I was freaked out since I thought it was burglars, but then I heard moaning. I immediately ran to my room and heard the sounds getting louder. I opened the door to see my 'boyfriend' balls deep in my 'best friend'. They were doing it in MY bed. I steamed out of my room and got a hammer from my Dad's toolbox. I walked back in there, calm as can be, and threatened to beat them to a pulp and to leave and never speak to me again.

You think they would have gone to the police and tried to turn me in, but here's the thing. They were fucking in my bed and I don't let people into my house as willingly as I used to. The police did come to my house, but since they were on my family's property. I was justified in my threats. Truth be told, I should have been sent to jail for the threats, and do I regret saying those words? A bit, but I like to think I have moved on. I flirt almost relentlessly now, but I only go that far, I still haven't been deflowered.

Yes, you heard right. I, Paige Grant am still a virgin. Crazy, right? You'd think that I would be whoring around and getting absolutely wasted after splitting up from my ex. At the time, I was 15, so that would not have been good. That wasn't the case, in fact, it was the opposite. The best part is, I came out as a better person, I think. I mean, the rumors are saying that I'm a complete and utter slut, but I'm not.

While yes, I have been close to losing my virginity before, I always stated clearly I wasn't consenting. The timing didn't feel right, but with Trenton.... I wouldn't mind losing it to him. Call me creepy and clingy, but he seems like a guy who could be a romantic type, and I'm a sucker for romance. Nothing over the top, but not mundane. Am I reading too much into Trenton's gesture of handing me some pizza? Probably. Am I going to overthink any gesture he does to me now? Most likely and I will have to downplay my feelings just a tad.

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