Chapter 14: Second Base

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Quick note: was on vacation for the past week, so I didn't have time for writing. With that being said, Enjoy!

Paige's POV
Friday/Saturday, October 12th/13th, 2018

We're going to France! I can't believe that Trenton booked a flight to France for me. I should have known that he was going to do something like this, considering the fact he asked where I would want to visit someday. I honestly thought he meant in years to come, but not so soon, but I'm definitely not complaining.

"Are you all packed?" Trenton asked as he walked into my room. He has been in here countless times, but we never did anything. It was mostly cuddling, kissing, and a hell of a lot of sexual tension between us. A hot knife wouldn't even put a dent in the tension we have.

"Almost! I've been stress packing and I think I'm going to ride the wave this week, so I'm going to be kinda cranky and I just-" Trenton silences me by turning me around and giving me a chaste kiss.

"You alright now? Your toiletries are right on your vanity, you are going to be alright," Trenton whispered as his hands went to my waist, his thumbs slipping under my shirt. There were goosebumps in his wake. He really knows how to calm me down. My body just responds to his and I can't help it. My body knows what it wants better than I do, and it wants- no needs- Trenton, especially in a certain place.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright. I'm just so excited to go to a foreign country for the first time without my parents," I said trying but failing to reign back my excitement.

Trenton chuckled at my eagerness, "Well, Ms. Paige," he said in a posh tone, "Our flight awaits."

The car ride to the airport was relaxing and the silence was comforting. Trenton had his hand in mine, resting on my thigh. I still was trying to fathom that I was going on a trip with my boyfriend. He has been so nice to me and I want to make this last for as long as possible.

The airport was like any other airport. It had your standard boutiques, bathrooms and of course, the lines for boarding are super slow. Thankfully, our flight to Charles de Gaulle was scheduled to take off in an hour. God, I really didn't think I was going to be in this position a month and a half ago. Honestly, I took every day day by day, I didn't think. I just took it head-on, let the flow take me where ever it goes. But now, with Trenton, I'm thinking far ahead and I don't know what scares me more, the planning or the fear of losing him.

"Paige, you look like you're deep in thought, what's up?" Trenton whispering in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. His voice was unexpected to hear and I clenched my thighs. He's the one. Not even Derek could do that, and that was when it got intimate. If Trenton could do that without trying... I was in for a good time in the bedroom. "Now you're smiling like you just got a very mischievous idea and I dunno if I'm going to like it."

I stood on my tiptoes and whispered into Trenton's ear, "Trust me, you'll absolutely love it. Especially when we are alone," I nibbled on his ear as I put my feet flat on the ground again. Trenton shivered and turned his gaze to my eyes and checked me out up and down with a mix of emotions. I could decipher desire, lust, caring, possessiveness, and... love? That one made my heart start pumping on overdrive. Does Trenton love me? I mean, I think he's wanted to say it for a while now, but he's waited? Probably thinks he would scare me off. Problem is, I'm in the same boat. I want to say the three words, eight letters, but I'm scared. Scared that he won't return the feeling. Scared that these feelings are all for show. These doubts scare me, and I'm letting them win.

Trenton opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the announcement that our flight was beginning to board. Thankfully, we dropped the topic and start talking about what we are going to do while we are in France. He wanted to take me out to a cafe and see all the sights. He managed to even get a nice hotel booked for four days. Yes, we would be missing school, but it was already taken care of. He was looking forward to seeing the Effiel Tower at sunset. Rumor has it that it's very beautiful and post card worthy.

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