Chapter 11: First Date

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Trenton's POV
Friday, October 5th, 2018

Well, school is boring as hell. We sit there for hours learning things that are unimportant. What about teaching us how to file taxes? To do basic roadside assistance, i.e. changing a tire.

The only thing that made school worth it was Paige, of course. She is the reason I feel better about myself. Now, to update you, my nose is fine. I don't know if I mentioned that, but other than some swelling and bleeding, my nose will be fine. Derek won't be in school until next Wednesday, he got a suspension. The cameras I pointed out clearly showed that I did nothing and he attacked me.

"So, you seriously aren't going to tell me where we are going for our date?" Paige asked, whispering the last part as we headed for lunch. People have prying ears and they seriously need to get a hobby that isn't stalking the shit out of me.

"I told you it would ruin the surprise, but quick question: Why don't you get people stalking you about your life, Ms. I'm a CEO's daughter?" I asked, annoyed that I'm the only one who feels like I have a thousand eyes on me at once.

"Well, you're the 'new' kid, and you were on the news for sports, and people here take their sports seriously. Me, I've lived here all my life. It was really bad in elementary school up through middle school. High school, it has been pretty chill." Paige said with a smirk, clearly enjoying my irritation.

"What am I going to do with you?" I mumbled to myself.

Paige leaned over to me her breath fanning my ear, "I know what you can do..." she leaned back, smirking like the Goddess she is. I clenched my hands as I tried to not think about those kinds of things here. The last thing I needed was to walk around the school with a campsite.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about it," I said, still trying to avoid thinking about it more, succeeding. "And stop biting your lip, I can't look at you when you do that," I said turning my gaze at her.

"Why not?" Paige asked, biting her damn lip.

"Damn tease, figured that you should wait a little longer," I said, putting an arm on the table, flexing. Necessary? No. Payback? One hundred percent yes.

Paige's eyes looked at my muscles and she had raised her hand and reached out, but I pull my arm back before leaning over to her ear, purposely breathing out, "Payback's a bitch ain't it?"

Her response was punching my shoulder while murmuring, "Jackass."

"Not my fault, you did it first, I was getting even," I said matter-of-factly.

"Ugh fine, I guess I deserved it, but you seriously aren't going to tell me where we are going?" Paige pouted.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'.

Paige only huffed and we went to class, to which she would glare at me and I would smirk like a giddy little boy who knows he's not in trouble yet he did something to get him in trouble. Class was boring and I kept sneaking glances at Paige next to me and she would do the same. At some points, we would both look at each other and then immediately turn away, with our cheeks flushing. The teacher didn't notice, but some of our other classmates did. They, of course, started to whisper about it, "Are they together?", "They fucking?", "I'm jealous, he looks like a fine piece of ass." While I appreciate the comment, random classmate, my ass is reserved for one person. Then, someone had the audacity to shout, "Trenton Foster and Paige Grant are dating?!"

Paige immediately blushed while I sat there with a blank look on my face, staring at the person who shouted that. "What, two people can't look next to them and see who it is?"

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