Chapter Twenty One - Fido the Hellhound

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Music blasts through my AirPods as I take in a long drag off of the cigarette in my hand. I let out the smoke slowly, watching as the gray fumes swirl through the cold night air.

I wonder for a second if this is what a soul looks like.

I mean, I've seen Danny eat a soul, but it was a soul trapped in a person's organs. That means technically I've never seen one and I still get to question it's actual appearance.

As the heavy guitar in No Parents's song "Schadenfreude" continues, I close my eyes and try to lose myself in the fast rhythm. These are the moments I feel the most alive, the loud thumping of the drums allowing me to feel my own heartbeat racing. I still don't understand why I have a heartbeat but I do take comfort in knowing that it's there sometimes, despite those hopeless moments where I really wish it wasn't.

The last couple days haven't been all that eventful.
The peace and quiet of the surrounding wooded area create a sense of solitude as everyone jokes around and does whatever they want to. Werewolves - unlike demons and vampires - actually need to sleep, so all of them are currently resting as the two of us just stay up throughout the night. It's rare that anyone else is awake around this time, so Danny likes to read or go on his phone while I listen to my music.

The reason for the two of us staying here was almost forgotten, but of course something has to happen.

It would be nice if it didn't, but that's just not how things work.

I hear a strange sound through the loud music and snap my eyes open, turning my head to the right and immediately catch sight of what can only be described as a very large monster.

The creature.

For a second I'm frozen as I watch this thing leap from the trees and land in the open area in front of me, facing the town as it breathes heavily and snarls, spittle flying from between it's large jaws.

The creature looks like a fucked up dog, or some kind of starved werewolf on steroids whose lost all of it's hair and has different creatures' skin stitched onto it. The thing has different stages of dried blood all over it's body as if it continuously kills without stopping to wash itself off afterwards. It's wrinkled snout is curled back in an ugly snarl as green-ish yellow goop pours from it's sagging empty eye sockets and swollen gums, rows of sharp yellowed teeth protruding from them dangerously. The tail has tufts of fur still attached to it in very few amounts and the creature's claws look incredibly deadly. The thing looks large, rotten, and mad with disease. The very idea of this creature would give anyone the chills, and the fact that it's standing just a short ways away from me makes me want to run in the opposite direction.

It looks like it came from a nightmare.

Unfreezing, I quickly stand up as adrenaline shoots through me; the sudden movement causes the ugly monster to turn it's head to look in my direction, it's neck bent oddly as I stare into where it's eyes should be. I know my facial expression is one of horror, and it growls at me warningly before suddenly turning back around and darting off into town.

For a second I'm just standing still in confusion as I wonder why it didn't attack me, but quickly shake it off as I storm after it, calling out to Danny and desperately hoping he can hear me as I run.

"Danny, the creature's here!"

Using my heightened speed and sense of smell I find the creature instantly in an alleyway between two buildings, although I pause in my tracks as soon as I look on to the gruesome sight in front of me.

Oh, fuck.

The creature is messily gorging itself on a teen girl who seemed to be barely seventeen years old, one half of her face ripped into as the other's eye is hollow, the expression forever stuck to one of pure fear. The creature's smacks and chewing sounds as it rubs it's mangled face into her open intestines makes my stomach rumble as well, and I feel bile rise in my throat as I think about how sickening this actually is.

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