Chapter Thirty Two - Suits Are Sexy

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Danny stares at me with his mouth agape, but I can't understand why.

I mean, he actually looks like a million dollars - almost literally. He's wearing all brand name and over the top items, so there's no way all of it wasn't worth at least that much. I mean, I don't even want to know what the final total for mine was, especially considering that I added so many things onto the bill before I left yesterday - which, of course, I'm currently wearing now. Which is probably the reason he's staring at me like that but - in my opinion - I don't even look half as good as he does right now.

We both took turns changing in the bathroom - Danny closed his eyes as he zipped past me once I was ready because he didn't want to "spoil it" - and now he finally stepped out, and shit —

—I really want him to fuck me right now.

Like right now. In that suit. Fully clothed.


Yet here he is, admiring me for some reason.

"Asher, you look stunning." He admires breathlessly, eyeing me up and down as his heated gaze rakes over my body. Once it lands on my own dark eyes, however, I see them narrow and his breath hitch. He knows what I'm feeling, I'm sure of it - there's no way he wouldn't.

I smirk as I slowly check him out, my eyes traveling from his feet upwards, taking in every detail. I notice our shoes are matching in style, although his has a navy blue ombré instead of red, which is definitely much more subtle than mine are. He's wearing slim navy satin high waters, revealing his black socks underneath and his slim ankles. The pants are held up by a similar belt to mine, although more of a white-gold in contrast to my solid gold, and his collared shirt is black with a lighter navy blue tie and vest. His blazer is also a shade of navy, although a bit darker than the rest of his outfit, also satin to match his pants. There are subtle black floral designs across it, reaching to expensive-looking flower-shaped cufflinks. He's wearing a few white-gold rings and a watch to match his belt buckle, his copper hair styled meticulously as though he's stepped right out of a magazine.

He's breathtaking.

My eyes finally connect with his after I finish taking in all the fine details, and I wonder if he can tell just how amazed I am that this boy is technically mine. Our connected gazes spark a fire in me, and my fangs end up dropping out of my gums hungrily. I lick my lips and Danny notices, his own lips tilting slightly in a knowing smile. He leans in to whisper huskily into my ear, his warm breath hitting my skin and causing me to shiver. "Do you have anything to say to me in return?"

Cocky bastard - he definitely knows what he looks like.

I smirk as I tilt my head to reply, playing innocent. "I think you already know just how much I want you inside me."

The words are unfiltered, dirty, and heated. They set a mood between the both of us and I can tell Danny is surprised as he blushes and moves back a couple inches just to really look at me. His eyes are dark and his lips parted, reaching a hand up to brush some stray curls back behind my ear, revealing the sparkling earring placed there. The movement is gentle, much gentler than I expected or even want it to be. If I had my way, we'd be crammed together roughly, messing up these expensive suits and wrecking each other completely. He places a soft kiss on my forehead, whispering a quiet "Later, then." His fingers graze my skin as he pulls them away, leaving a blazing trail behind.

I might lose my mind before the party even starts.

He steps back a couple feet from me and smiles, taking out his phone. "I should take a photo for your parents." He says, opening up the camera. My eyes widen before I quickly shake my head.

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