Chapter Twenty Two - Later, Losers

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Although the news of the creature's departure from the area was a relief, the knowledge that it's still alive only angered the werewolves in Jacob's family's household. Since so many members of their pack had been murdered by the hellhound it was only reasonable that they'd be pissed.

Of course I acted like it didn't bother me even though I also found it a bit disturbing that Fido (as I like to call him) only got sent away while those victims died horribly. The fact that it literally got sent to Hell made the whole situation a bit better, but you can tell how upset the recent killing made everyone.

I mean I would be too if someone I cared about was eaten alive like that.

A gloom had settled over the pack as they prepared a funeral for her, and despite everything I still couldn't help but feel very interested in seeing what a werewolf funeral is like. I assumed it'd be different from a normal funeral, and wasn't disappointed.

The remains of the girl was wrapped up in thick flammable material and decorated with flowers and other plants that hold many different meanings. Everyone dressed in black and stood in the center of the town in front of a giant pyre as Danny and I hung back in the shadows while we observed the ceremony.

Everyone was silent as every single one of the pack members each went up and said something in her memory since they all knew her well and cared for her deeply. Even Jacob, who had been silent and fuming in anger and grief since hearing the news about her death, went up and managed to say something. He was hugged by his parents when he was done, the alphas going last since they were the leaders of the pack.

The girl's family went in and placed her remains on the pyre before lighting it up, however instead of the usual orange flames it was pink.

"I heard that the white witch came by and gave them some stuff for the funeral. I'm not too familiar with spells and things, but I think that's a purifying fire." Danny whispered in my ear, somehow knowing about my curiosity with the flame's unnatural coloring.

They all stood there until everything was in ashes, then one by one they all stripped down and changed into their wolf forms.

It was quite a sight with so many naked people in one place.

I felt a bit embarrassed honestly.

They all howled into the night which made my sensitive ears ring and I clamped my hands over them as I noticed Danny doing the same.

The wails of the wolves were pained, sad, and absolutely horrible. It was something that will probably stay in my mind forever.

Now we all sit in Jacob's home in silence, not one of us speaking.

Renee and her mom are silently sitting at the table and reading, Jacob is tossing a ball in the air and catching it as he seems lost in thought, and his father is hunched over in his chair as he slowly finishes his bowl of soup that's definitely cold by now. Danny and I are both sat on the couch as we look at each other nervously, trying to see when we should bring up the news that we're leaving.

I feel frustrated at the silent tension and finally let out a sigh, everyone picking up on it in the quietness of the room and move to look at me.

"Asher?" Questions the female alpha, probably wondering why I seem to be upset when I really don't have a reason to be. Her eyes move to Danny who's fidgeting on the couch as he refuses to look at everyone and her face changes to an expression of confusion. "Danny? What's wrong?"

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