『10』➳ the jcc

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the next thing you knew you were pinned to the ground, your back to the fluffy carpet while jungwoo sat on your stomach, thick legs pinning your arms to your side.
jaehyun and johnny stood at either side of you, staring down with dark eyes.

don't look down on me. you giggled lightly at what you thought of, before you remembered what was happening and sighed, mood falling.

it was the jcc.
johnny's communication court. it was something you guys did when there was a disagreement between any of you. it was usually you and jaehyun who were against each other, hence only johnny's name being in the title (no one took jungwoo seriously enough, so he was just there for moral support). but for today, it was you, on the stand *floor* against the three of them.

"(y/n) (l/n), you have been brought here today,"

"dude, this is my house,"

"-to be questioned on your whereabouts on," johnny began, pausing clicking the home button on your phone to check for the date, "sunday 15th august 2019. do you swear on all that is beautiful - jaehyun, jungwoo and i - to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

the court was a significant part of the functioning of your friendship, so of course you had to, but you really didn't want to, because then they'd know you actually were cheating on them, and then what would you look like?

you looked away, although it was difficult to see at anything that wasn't them, considering how they took up a majority of your vision, so resorted to closing your eyes. then jungwoo's voice started, so soft you probably would've missed it if your senses weren't heightened from your lack of vision.

"please, noona?"

that boy was good.
you cursed under your breath. he knew how victim you fell to aegyo, especially his and hyuck's. and then when he called you noona, well, you were basically putty in his hands.

reluctantly, you met his big brown hues, and caved, "i swear."

johnny began pacing around your top half in a semi circle, arms behind his back, "were you, or were you not, at seoul city library this afternoon?"

"i was."

"i see. now, were you alone, as you said?"


you let out an exhale, glancing up at jaehyun, before closing your eyes again, "no,"

"i fucking knew it!"

"jaehyun please constrain yourself from swearing in the court room. who were you with?"

"a friend."

"do we know this friend?" with every question you became more fidgety, feeling even more guilty for going behind their back.

"jae kinda knows him." the said boy fell onto your couch heavily, you confirming what he thought.

"i was just helping him with his work!"

he gave you a glare that could've killed, but you were a bad bitch, so you just rolled your eyes. giving jungwoo a little look, he moved to get off you, allowing you to slump next to jaehyun. the pink-haired boy made a point of ignoring you, swivelling his head to the side and crossing his arms.

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