『 - 』➳ halloween special

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jungkook began wiggling on top of you, eventually lifting his head up from your chest to look up at you when you didn't snap at him. "can you get more food please?"

"you go get it." you were half asleep, dosing off because the movie he had chosen to watch after the last one was boring as fuck. you didn't see it but your boyfriend pouted, lips jutting out cutely. "stop it, i know what you're doing."

"i don't know where the popcorn is though,"

"in the cupboard next to the fridge; you won't miss it." you shuffled around too, tucking one arm under your head and straightening out your leg so jungkook could get out from in between.

he mumbled as he stood up, dialect coming out as he complained at having to move. you heard his feet pad against the floor, before hearing the sound of a cupboard opening. blocking out the rest of the noise because you were sure he'd have no problems finding what he wanted, you got comfortable again, feeling the tendrils of sleep wrap around you again.


you sighed lightly as he flicked on the light, "yes, bunny?"

"why the fuck are there bags of blood in your fridge?"

you had never moved faster in all your time living on earth. sitting up straight, almost hissing at the brightness, you squinted to see jungkook standing in the doorway, and as fate would have it, holding a plastic bag filled to the brim with thick dark liquid.

he looked at you expectantly while you laughed nervously, a hand coming up to scratch at your head.

"it's kind of a long story actually," you paused.

"we've got time."

"oh, are you sure? it's a bit wild,"

"alright... uhh, so basically, this uh, massive guy broke into the house and threatened us with it. he went the whole nine yards - dressed in all black, huge rubbish bag slung over his shoulder, even that stupid little mask that hides fuck all. weird, right? so yeah, he fully kicks down the front door, and my dad comes downstairs, and was like what is going here?  with his funny little moustache bouncing, and the guy didn't say anything, just reached into his bag, and threw one of them at my dad, and i mean launched - at least eighty miles an hour - and it exploded everywhere. i was like, ooooo, are you gonna take that? and my dad, literally drenched in the shit, was like hell nah. and went ham. it was a mess. turns out the guy had backup. long story short, we took the bags because he said he'd drown us all in it if we didn't. you should've been there."

when you finished with your animated, and extremely exaggerated story, you took a glance at jungkook, who gave you an unimpressed look, stood with his hip jutted out and and arm folded under the hand carrying the blood.

"are you a vampire?"

"a vampi-! whaaatt? no! that's absurd! i can't believe you'd say something like that! crazy!... bro, stop looking at me like that, it's scary."

"so you are?"

"...would you break up with me if i said yes?"

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