『24』➳ the news

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jungkook's fingers dug into the damp skin of your neck, nearly breaking the skin, but he couldn't bring himself to care, not when he was drowning in pleasure, head falling back onto your shoulder and sinful moans leaving his swollen lips. not when you were hitting the right spots, ones that made his vision go fizzy, mind numb to everything but you.

jungkook felt his high speeding towards him like a merciless tsunami, barely able to keep his eyes open when your hips snapped faster and deeper into him, hands tightening their grip on his honey skin. at this point, bruises were guaranteed. "jungkook," came your breathy warning by his ear.

jungkook whimpered at your moans, quickly following with his own soft whisper, "m-me too. fuck... cum inside me p-please." he pressed back further into your chest with a delicious whine, blurring the lines where your sweaty bodies met and essentially begging you to do as he asked.

in a last attempt before he tipped over the edge, jungkook turned his head so he could pull you into a passionate kiss and keep you close. it was almost embarrassing how willing he was to let your wet tongue slide into his mouth. then, all it took was one last, long sweep of your throbbing cock across his prostate, until the tight coil in his stomach finally snapped, and all jungkook could see was white.

white? or was that orange? the fuck? the sudden shrieking by jungkook's head made him start, yet his body felt so heavy with sleep, there wasn't much movement aside from his deep breaths. bleary eyes peeled open slowly, falling on the time.

quarter past eight.


jungkook's face pulled, still pressed against his pillow, until things gradually began to piece together. it was a wednesday. he had school. he was still in bed. and he was really fucking late.

he made a move to push up onto his elbows, since he found his arms were feeling unusually weak, but doing so made his crotch brush against his bed. jungkook was taken aback by the unexpected sensitivity, almost losing his balance before he could pull back the covers and find the culprit.

a pool of liquid stained his boxers and bed sheets, darkening the both of them. all he could do was stare at the mess in drowsy confusion for some seconds, lips pouty and brows pinched. that was until the events that took place in his sleep finally came flooding back to the forefront of his mind.

jungkook... had a wet dream... about you... about you fucking him — no! oh no, no, no, no!

overwhelming heat ran through his body, and jungkook put a very quick stop that train of thought. he couldn't recall a time he's been so mortified. with a rumbling groan, his face was planted once more into his pillow, covers also kicked off in hot discomfort.

urgh. jungkook cursed. he was still hard, almost painfully at that point, dark hair sticking to his head from the sweat he'd unconsciously worked up. gross. when the minutes had crawled by and he eventually decided to sit up and stretch, a strange feeling crawled up jungkook's spine, attention still stubbornly fixed on the dream.

he wasn't as innocent a student everyone believed he was, and was far from a stranger to wet dreams. but they were never about anyone he actually knew (we don't speak of the namjoon crush) and never as vivid. never enough to pass off as more of a memory than a dream too. taehyung tended to relay some of his wildest fantasies, entertained by namjoon's knowledge of psychodynamics that claimed dreams were a product of subconscious desires.

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