『26.5』➳ sk8ers assemble

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in no time you were jogging over to where jungkook rested on a railing, seeing his face light up unconsciously as you approached. you left no space at the speed you arrived, caging his body in with your arms resting on the bar either side of his waist. the poor boy was practically whacked in the face with your scent of fresh laundry and the outside, thanks to the warm breeze, although there was a strong citrusy smell lingering around you that seemed misplaced.

"personal space?" he cocked an eyebrow at you, and tilted his head back slightly so he could see you under the brim of his hat. jungkook's dark eyes sparkled beautifully with badly-hidden glee, grin so infectious it caused your own lips to pull up as you shrugged in response.

"don't know her." fighting to suppress a shiver at the raspiness in your voice as you spoke, jungkook had to wrestle his mind back from the gutter it had become so familiar to lately.

"let me introduce you then,"

the dark-haired pushed you gently away from him, hands pressing against a firm surface he wasn't too surprised to find. after gesturing to the new space between your bodies with his finger, he shot you a thumbs up.

you laughed and looked his figure up and down — now that you could appreciate it properly. black puma pants with a white stripe down both sides hugged his long legs and a huge black shirt provided him with some sweater paws. and lastly, some crocs set to sports mode.

"do you only own black clothes, or something?" you poked fun at him. jungkook started, clearly not expecting the tease. then he prepared his defence with pouty lips.

"you know i don't. when we met at the library, i had on blue jeans. and a white shirt!" there was a condescending tilt to your lips when you brought an eyebrow up at his reply, winding up jungkook and leading him to punch your shoulder lightly. "shut up. i can wear what i want."

"or... you could wear nothing at all?" you positioned your feet in the anime girl stance and poked your index fingers together, while looking at jungkook through your lashes.

he deadpanned, staring at you for some seconds in silence. then he began to walk away. your laughter rang out as you reached towards jungkook to pull him back. amidst your titters, you gave some half-hearted apologies, unaware of jungkook's increasingly flustered state.

luckily for him, you let go some seconds later and he found himself back in your original position. so much for personal space. now that you were closer, you had become mindful again of the stylish accessory sat atop the dark mass of his wavy hair. the brim of his bucket hat was wide, wider than most and certainly more than the one you owned.

"how can you even see wearing that?"

"you get used to it." you hummed, before picking it up slightly as a way to ask for permission. with jungkook's small nod, you took it off of his head and placed it on your own, reaching a hand back over to fluff out his long hair.

"whoa. i feel so badass with this on." you stepped back further, pulling some exaggerated model poses to the vine running through your mind (fuck it up kenneth! kenneth, fuck it up!) that later faded into dancing as you moved along to mnelia's say yeah that had begun playing.

jungkook could only pick up bits and pieces of the song's lyrics, seeing as it was in english, but the playful look in your eyes let him know loud and clear what it was about. his thoughts couldn't help but wander back to his little dream a few nights prior. the fact that you were wearing something of his was of no help either. now his face was no longer covered, jungkook had to take care in hiding the growing flush.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐔𝐈𝐓𝐘 ! ʲʲᵏOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant