『22』➳ speak of the devil...

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"aight now. what was so difficult about 'don't fucking touch it'?"

the first thing you noticed on your return from the water run was the disappearance of your sandwich. the first person you directed your glare to was yuta, who took the blame in his stride, tilting his head back to look at you in some sort of alpha pose as donghyuck passed him his bottle. pfft, he wished.

"ah, i'm sorry," he began, mockery dripping from his smooth voice like thick honey, "my korean isn't too good,"

jungwoo quickly moved to hold you back when he saw you start, "nakamoto, when you wake up tomorrow as a snake, don't say i didn't warn you,"

all he did was wink at you in return, and you dragged a thumb across your throat before pointing at him with a menacing look. there was an 'ooOooOiiiiIIii' heard from your right, causing you to glance down beside you at the dark-haired boy.

"i don't know why you're laughing." mark froze, the smile on his face falling, and eyebrows shooting up in appal.

"seriously— (y/n), you're too mean! i don't even know what i did to you! hyunggg, do something!"

mark moved his frustration to a grinning johnny, who was looking very entertained at your interactions, first with yuta, and then with mark. as were the rest who weren't involved; they all knew you didn't mean any of it, despite how convincing your words were. johnny's bright brown eyes met yours at his friend's request, "(y/n), stop being mean to him."

eyes narrowing, you scowled lightly, "mark, you little bitch. can't fight your battles yourself?"

"i'm convinced you hate me at this point."

after waving your hands in front of you, space was made for you to take a seat between jaehyun and mark. your arm was slung over the younger's shoulders, groaning quietly as you forcefully tugged him closer.

"ah, markie-poo, you know i don't hate you; you're just a really easy target. lucky for you though, someone else has been catching my eye lately..." you spared doyoung a quick glance, lips pulled up into a sly smile. it only broadened when the new victim's eyes widened in slight panic. it was bad enough with taeyong and donghyuck on his case, but with you added to the equation, it was sure to be a living hell.

mark didn't know how to respond except to sigh, relieved that someone else would become the subject of your teasing. he relaxed under your arm, gaze wandering around the bustling canteen until he caught sight of silver-coloured hair.

that was weird, mark frowned. he didn't recall seeing anyone with such a vivid shade around school. granted, it wasn't a rare sight — his friends liked to experiment with their looks often — but out of nowhere?

then the owner turned to the side, and mark recognised a cheeky grin he'd seen on screen multiple times before. his mouth fell open slightly, and he smacked your arm, getting your attention just as you were about to throw a metal spoon at yuta.

"hey, (y/n)? isn't that baekhyun-hyung?"

omae wa...

your brows instantly furrowed at his words, and you spun your head to face the direction mark indicated so fast it actually hurt. and there he was. byun baekhyun. in all of his twinky glory.

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