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a/n: i actually don't know what to say here. i would usually write something random.

jahseh's p.o.v

my foot started to hurt from busting the door open.

i started to cry at the sight of shakira's emotionless face and slit wrists.

i called 911.

911: hello. this is 911. what's your emergency.

me: yes, my girlfriend just attempted to commit suicide. she needs an ambulance right now!

my voice was shaky as i held shakira's limp hand.

tears started to fall down my fast so fast.

911: sir, we need you to calm down. can you check if there's a pulse?"

i put two fingers against her neck and heard no pulse.

me: there's no pulse, there's no pulse, THERE'S NO PULSE!

i screamed in pain.

911: we found the address. the ambulance will be there shortly.

they hung up and i started to hold onto her body.

i don't know what to do.

the squad needs to know what happened to her.

they need to know that it's my fault.

i facetimed stokeley.

"ayeee, jah. what's up? yo, vro, why are you crying?" stokeley said.

"shakira's in the bathtub right now. her wrists are slit and IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" i yelled, in so much pain.

"stop messing with me, vruh. PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE FUCKING LYING!" stokeley said, now yelling.

"i'm not playing. the ambulance are on their way and i don't know what to do!" i yelled.

i heard him crying and sniffling.

there was a loud of loud noises, like things were being thrown.

"stokeley, what's wrong? why are you crying?" diamond asked.

"shakira commited suicide." he said, his voice shaky.

"NO!" she yelled and started crying.

"WHERE'S MY FUCKING KEYS!?" stokeley screamed.

"we're on our way." stokeley said, his face still covered with tears.

i nodded as the phone call ended.

the ambulance finally came and me and shakira are both in the ambulance.

they kept asking me questions and i was quiet.

this is so fucking traumatic.

they finally gave up when i told them that i would explain later.

we arrived at the hospital and we saw the squad there, waiting for us.

they all had red eyes and heavy tears rolling down their cheeks.

they all came up to me and embraced me in a big group hug.

5 minutes later...

shakira got a room as they gave CPR, hooked her up into wires, etc.

i grabbed the letter that i found on the bathroom floor and started reading it.

i passed it around and started crying again.

i don't think the tears will stop.

i looked outside of the window and saw that it was raining.

rain keeps falling, tears keep falling.

they told everyone to get out of the room.

we were all so scared for what was going to happen.

"i'm scared." i admitted to everyone.

they all nodded their heads and kept crying.

the nurse came out of shakira's room and everyone turned their heads.

"mr.onfroy, are you shakira's boyfriend?" she asked.

i wiped my tears away, but it was no use, they kept falling.

"i am." i said, not sure if the 'am' was going to be changed to 'was.'

"may i please speak to you." she asked.

i looked at the squad and they nodded their heads.

"shakira has been very strong and her body is still fighting. she has a small pulse. she has to stay here for a week. we have to give her medicine every day, before and after she gets out." she explained.

i nodded my head.

"she will also have to be in a mental hospital for a while." she said.

what the fuck.

that means i can't stay with her.

we can't have any more sleepovers.

"don't worry. she will only be there for a week or two." she said.

shit, i thought it was going to be a month or something.

two weeks are bad, but a month or above is worse.

"she is in a coma, but you may see her now." she said.

i nodded and walked into the room.

there were no more doctors inside of the room.

it was just me and shakira.

i talked to her for a while.

i know that she can't talk right now, but she can hear me.

i told her about how i came to her house because it turns out that "my baby" isn't really mine. i told her how geneva was a clout chasing hoe who wanted to break us apart for no reason.

i talked to her about how she made my life better and all of the things i love about her.

i held both of her hands in mine.

the squad came in the room.

we all talked to her and held her hand.

"we love you." we all said when we had to leave.

they all left the room and then i gave shakira a kiss on her head and said that i loved her.

i was about to leave the room when i thought i saw her give a small smile.

i teared up a little bit and then said to myself, "be strong for her."

a/n: this chapter was kinda long compared to my other chapters, so i'm not going to double update on this book today.

i'll update tomorrow.

thank you for reading!

897 words...

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