Chapter 20.

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Hello? Who's calling.

Hello Ashton.

Who is this?

How's Elizabeth?

What? What's are you on about? Who the hell is this?!

Your daughter you idiot. Yours and Tzeitals daughter. I know about her.


It's still Sir to you. Tell me how your baby is!

Where is Tz! Where's Mikey!

Tell me about the baby.

Fuck off and stop playing games! Where is my fucking fiancé and best friend!

I'm coming for her you know.

What?! For who!



I'll have her and your daughter. They'll be my family.

Please, I'm begging you! Bring her back to me!

You kept her a good secret. I bet none of your fans know you have a child, do they.

Um, um, what do you want to know! I'll tell you anything!

Her full name. The day she was born. The time. Who does she look like What's her first word or words. Tell me everything.

Her name is... It's... Elizabeth Anne Marie Irwin. She was born on the 13th of January. After Tz's birthday and just before Calum's. It was 2:01am. She's 4 and a half now. She looks like her mother, but everyone says different things. Her first words was DaDa. She has a cross between an Australian and South African accent. Only me, Tz, the boys, Poppy, Liz and my mum understand her, no one else has a clue. She had light blonde hair, but it's now darkened to a dirty blonde - mousey brown and she has green eyes, just like me and her mother. Her hair is growing fast, it's wavy. She misses her mum. She knows something is wrong.



Say something!

- dead line -

With that Marlor was gone. I tried to say things that I knew me and Tz had spoke about, incase he tried to test her.

13th of January, because her lucky number is 13 and we love January because it's New Years, her birthday and then Calum's!

2:01am because we love How I Met Your Mother, and we use to laugh about Ted's mothers saying, 'nothing good happens after 2am'.

I mention her accent because me, Tz and everyone would laugh at the cross over.

Tz always said she'd be happy if our babies had my colour hair, mousey brown/ dirty blonde, with green eyes.

It broke my heart. Would we ever get the opportunity to have Elizabeth? Or any baby for that matter!

"Liz! Mum! He called me!" I screamed, running down the stairs to them. I told them what happen. I described Elizabeth.

I called the police. I told them too.

"Thank you Sir, this is amazing news! If we track your phone call list, we may be able to find your fiancé and best friend!" The officer assures me. God, I hoped they could track it.

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