Chapter 10

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"I d-don't think you'll like it Jeonghan." Jisoo said studdering.

"Come on Jisoo, go look around the apartment and call the police department after I see what's in there." Jeonghan said guiding Jisoo out of the doorway to the main hall of the apartment.

Jeonghan quickly examined the door before opening the door. He saw a slight dried blood spot on the door, hoping it's not what he was thinking. He slowly opened the door, revealing what made Jisoo afraid out of the blue. Once Jeonghan saw what was in the room, he didn't move a muscle but only stared at it.

"Jisoo... call the department. I'll look at this body closely before they arrive." Jeonghan said, looking back at Jisoo, who was staring back at him.

Jisoo quickly called 119, while Jeonghan walked in the room to examine the dead body laying on top of a tarp. He looked closely at the body, if there's anything that could kill the victim. Jeonghan noticed a small stab wound on the neck. He took a close look at the small stab wound, noticing a small writing next to the wound saying "try to find me".

Jeonghan only stared at the small words next to the wound. Jisoo came in the room and tapped on Jeonghan's shoulder.

"The cops are going to be here in 5 minutes. Should we get Wonwoo and them to come over?" Jisoo asked, looking at the body.

"Don't get Wonwoo, you got Mingyu's number right? If you do, I need you to call him, I got questions to ask." Jeonghan responded.

Jisoo nodded at Jeonghan's request and left the room to call Mingyu. Jeonghan looked around the body and found a mallet covered in dried blood. He looked around the body, figuring out where was the rock used on the body. He slightly moved the head and saw the crushed side of the skull.

Jeonghan was about to check out the mallet, the police came through the apartment door. Jisoo came in the room, showing the officers the scene. Jeonghan quickly got up and took a few steps back, watching the officers do their thing. Jisoo walked over to Jeonghan, hoping to get him out of the room.

"Jeonghan, the officers contacted Wonwoo to come over. Want to leave before he comes over?" Jisoo asked.

"Might as well, Wonwoo is the number one detective for the officers now. Where's the next stop." Jeonghan said as he walked out of the room.

Jeonghan walked out of the room, bumping into someone by accident. He quickly apologize and looked to see who he ran into.

"Hey hyung." Chan said.

Jeonghan grabbed Chan by the wrist and quickly walked to a hall, where no one would see them.

"What are you doing here? Are you supposed to be at school today?" Jeonghan asked.

"Forget school, I want to join in with you and Jisoo hyung's investigation." Chan said.

"How do you know that we were here?" Jeonghan said, looking at the younger.

"I asked Jihoon hyung, to take me to the house, you were staying in with Jisoo and the other hyungs." Chan responded.

"I guess Seokmin let you in the house and show you the room I'm staying in." Jeonghan said hanging his head low, with Chan agreeing  to what he said.

"Jeonghan, Chan. Let's get going please?" Jisoo said, walking to them.

"Okay, let's go, Chan, we'll talk more after searching the other area." Jeonghan said as he heads for the exit.

Jisoo and Chan followed behind Jeonghan exiting the building, which is now filled with police tape around the entrance. Jeonghan got in the car, waiting for the two to hurry. Jeonghan saw Wonwoo exiting out of his car where the other police cars were parked at. Good thing was that Chan and Jisoo were closer to the car then where Wonwoo parked, not noticing Wonwoo's arrival.

When the two entered the car, Jeonghan was focused on Wonwoo's whereabouts.

"Took you two long enough, let's go before he noticed us here." Jeonghan said, looking at Jisoo.

"Wonwoo hyung here? I should go say hi." Chan said.

"Don't try, he only knows you're in school at the moment." Jisoo said, taking the words out of Jeonghan's mouth.

15 minutes later

"A hospital? Why here?" Chan asked, as Jisoo pulled up at an empty parking lot for the hospital.

"Chan, be careful when we go in okay? The guy can be in there." Jeonghan said, getting out of the car, heading to the entrance of the hospital.

"Jisoo hyung, you got a flashlight? There can be some area with no window or light." Chan asked, waiting for Jisoo to get out of the car.

"Just our phones, come on let's catch up to Jeonghan before something happens to him in there." Jisoo said, quickly walking in the hospital.

Jeonghan was walked around the building, opening doors to what's used to be an office or a patient's room. As he continues opening the doors, he started to hear footsteps. He paused and looked around.

"Jisoo! Chan!"  Jeonghan yelled, hoping it was Jisoo or Chan but there was no response.

Jeonghan started walking around the halls, hearing the footsteps. As he was walking, he could see a black figure behind a pillar from the corner of his eye. When he saw the black figure, he broke out running towards the figure.

While Jisoo and Chan was walking around the hospital, looking for Jeonghan. They heard noises from a floor above them, they immediately thought it was Jeonghan, so they bust out running towards the stairs.

Apartment Fire Case [Seventeen]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang