Chapter 11

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Jisoo and Chan ran up the stairs, looking around to find Jeonghan. Chan quickly used his phone to call Jeonghan while Jisoo was looking around. While searching for Jeonghan, they could hear a phone ringing, they quickly ran over and found the phone on the floor. They stopped and pick up the phone. The two looked at each other, knowing Jeonghan won't just leave his phone behind. They heard a thud from the other side of the hall and started running to the sound.

As the two run down the halls, they were hearing more thuds. They burst threw a door to see Jeonghan and an unknown man fighting, but Jeonghan was already beating the man.

"Hyung! What are you doing?!" Chan yelled, watching Jeonghan continuously beating the man.

Jisoo left Chan's side and went over to Jeonghan, trying to pull him away. Jisoo struggles to pull Jeonghan away for a while, Chan was thinking of what to do in the situation. He looked over at the man, looking like he needs medical help, he looked back Jeonghan, who's throwing punches slowly.

Chan dashes and ran into Jeonghan to push him off the man, after Jisoo took a step back from Jeonghan.

"Lee Chan!" Jeonghan yelled after landing.

"What? You wouldn't stop, you could've pinned him to a wall or a floor, then putting him in cuffs." Chan said pointing to the cuffs in his pocket. "Look at the guy now, you almost killed him."

"Okay, Jisoo call the department again, I'll be in the car, here put him in these cuffs." Jeonghan said as he tossed his cuffs to Chan.

Jisoo pulled up his phone and called the department, while Chan walked over to the unconscious man. Jeonghan left the room to calm himself after beating the guy. Chan pushes the guy to his stomach, then grab his two arms and put them in the cuffs.

"Hyung, who do you think this guy is?" Chan said, standing over the man.

"I can't tell about who this guy is but Jeonghan must've know since he did beat the crap out of him." Jisoo said, letting out a small laugh.

"Should we stay here?" Chan asked.

"I guess we could but if we get any messages from Jeonghan, we gotta go." Jisoo said.

"Won't Wonwoo hyung see us too?" Chan asked.

"Actually change of plans, they are already coming, let's go to the car." Jisoo said as he left the room, with Chan following behind.

The two speed-walked to the car, seeing Jeonghan in the back seat. Jisoo and Chan got in the driver and passenger seats. Jisoo started up the car and left the building, driving pass a few police cars.

"Jeonghan hyung, can you like tell us that guy you were trying kill?" Chan asked, trying to stay away from the awkward silence.

"Don't worry, it's going to be on the news anyways, Jisoo-ah where are we going next?" Jeonghan responded.

"We'll just go back to our house for now, you look tired Jeonghan." Jisoo said looking up at the rear view mirror then turning attention back to the road.

"Guess it's time for a little nap huh? I'll be asleep then." Jeonghan said as he gets himself comfortable, closing his eyes.

Jisoo and Chan was quiet throughout the car ride with Jeonghan sleeping peacefully in the back.

"Hyung, it seems like Jeonghan hyung found a murderer back there." Chan said, looking at his phone.

"That guy, Jeonghan beat up? No wonder why he continued on throwing punches at him." Jisoo said, focusing on the road.

"The guy's name is Yang WonIl. He was part of the most wanted list." Chan continued on.

"Yang WonIl, I think he was part of this case that Wonwoo and them are trying to get, to match those fire cases." Jisoo answered.

"I guess Jeonghan hyung noticed him back there and just do what he did, but how did Jeonghan hyung know he's going to be there?" Chan said, thinking about how Jeonghan got him.

"You should asked Jeonghan when we get back home." Jisoo said, leading to another awkward silence.

45 minutes later

The three arrived back at their home, two of them are exhausted while the other is wide awake, ready to start digging in more information.

Jisoo and Chan walked in the house, meeting Seokmin and Hansol, Chan became energetic once he saw Hansol. The two started talking about things like what happened with Jeonghan beating the most wanted suspect. Jeonghan came in the house after Chan and Hansol left the entrance, with Seokmin looking at him.

"What's wrong with you Seokmin?" Jisoo said, noticing Seokmin's glare at Jeonghan.

"Nothing, help me out with dinner." Seokmin said, looking back at Jisoo.

With that, the two went to the kitchen and started cooking, leaving Jeonghan still at the hall of the entrance. Jeonghan walked in the living room, seeing Hansol and Chan playing games on television, with Jisoo and Seokmin cooking.

"Where's Soonyoung?" Jeonghan asked.

"Soonyoung? He's probably sleeping or texting Jihoon." Seokmin said from the kitchen.

"What does he do the most?" Jeonghan asked, walking towards the kitchen.

"Sleep." Seokmin responded. "I wish Mingyu still live here, he's like the best cook out of all of us."

"I'll go check on Soonyoung. Well life doesn't always go your way Seokmin." Jeonghan said, leaving the kitchen to the bedrooms.

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