Chapter 17

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Next morning

Jisoo woke up to see the sleeping Jeonghan and Seokmin. He looked around the room until the door opened revealing Chan with bags of food in hand.

"Oh hyung, when were you awake?" Chan said as he saw Jisoo.

"Woke up just now, why are you here?" Jisoo asked.

"I have to drive Jeonghan hyung here and we decided to sleep for the night. Here's some snacks I got from the nearby store."

Chan handed Jisoo food and took a seat next to his bed. The two eat their snacks in silence till Jeonghan woke up, seeing them eat.

"Good morning to you two." Jeonghan said, stretching his muscle joints.

"Did you sleep well hyung?" Chan asked, putting his food down.

"It was a little uncomfortable but it's okay." Jeonghan said, getting up grabbing a wheel chair. "Jisoo, you want some fresh air?"

"Yeah, Chan you should stay here till Seokmin wakes up." Jisoo said as he gets help from Jeonghan to get on the wheel chair.

Jeonghan pushed Jisoo's wheel chair out of the room, leaving Chan in the room. Jeonghan took him to an area behind the hospital where all the patients go for fresh air.

"Sorry for not being there when that was going on." Jeonghan said.

"Don't be sorry for me, anyways you got anyone you're suspecting?" Jisoo asked.

"No one yet."

"That guy.. he seems to know you well. Do you know anyone who knows you like that?" Jisoo said, Jeonghan just looking at him confused. "I guess you don't."

"Someone knows me and yet hurts you and Seokmin. I think there's someone." Jeonghan said pulling out his phone.

Jisoo watched Jeonghan pull up his recent calls with the unknown caller ID.

"Whoever is on the other end of the 'Unknown Caller ID', it could be him." Jeonghan said, showing Jisoo his call logs.

"Did you tell Wonwoo about this guy?" Jisoo asked.

"Not yet, I could tell Seungcheol or Jihoon to tell Wonwoo about it." Jeonghan responded.

"I think Jihoon is the one you should be telling, Seungcheol can overreact about the guy," Jisoo said, scrolling on Jeonghan's call logs. "Actually let's give Jihoon a call."

Jisoo looks for Jihoon's name and pressed the call button. He put the phone on speakerphone and waited for Jihoon to answer.


Hey Jihoon-ah, Jeonghan might know who the guy that came in the house.

Really? Who is it? Why are you calling me but not Seungcheol hyung or Wonwoo hyung?

Jeonghan wanted you tell Wonwoo later and it's some guy behind the other of the "Unknown Caller ID".

Ah really? I would need Jeonghan to hand the phone over to Hansol, so he could do his magic on the computer. How's Chan over there?

Chan is doing well, I'll get Jeonghan to be back home soon.

Okay, thanks hyung, recover soon.

Jisoo hanged up the phone and handed back to Jeonghan.

"What's the plan now?" Jisoo asked.

"One obviously give my phone to Hansol. We can look for where this guy can be hiding in after where he was calling me from." Jeonghan said.

"Okay, let's head back to the room, Seokmin should be awake around now." Jisoo said, Jeonghan pushing him back in the hospital.

Once they got back in the room, Chan stood up looking at the two. Seokmin was still laying on his bed relaxing.

"Hey hyung, the doctors came in a while ago asking for you." Chan said looking at Jisoo.

"Really? How's Seokmin over there?" Jisoo asked.

"He's relaxing after some food I got from the store this morning, how was outside?" Chan said.

"Okay, can you um take Jeonghan back home? He got something to do back there with Jihoon and Hansol." Jisoo said.

"Okay. Let's go hyung." Chan said heading to the exit with Jeonghan.

Chan entered the car with Jeonghan driving back home. Jeonghan was looking around the area especially areas with phone booths.

After a few turns, they're back home. Jeonghan entered the house, clean no blood stains from the night before. He greeted Jihoon and Hansol, who's waiting in the living room. Jeonghan tossed his phone over to Hansol, letting him track the man. Jihoon and Jeonghan watched Hansol pull up three areas that the man called Jeonghan from.

"Those three areas, aren't they near the WonIl's murder case and the hospital, you came back from?" Jihoon said pointing to where they found WonIl and the hospital Seokmin and Jisoo is staying for a day.

"You're right about that area with WonIl's case. But I did receive a call before seperating ways with Wonwoo." Jeonghan said. 

"Hansol, can you show us when he called Jeonghan from the CCTV?" Jihoon asked.

"Only around the hospital, near that case with WonIl, there's currently one but it's broken and is currently being repaired." Hansol said, pulling up the CCTV camera near the hospital and rewinding it back to when the phone booth was being used.

The three watched the camera with the man in all black was in phone booth. Hansol paused the camera and zoomed in closer on the face, hoping to see any facial features. 

"Doesn't he look like anyone from your wanted list Jihoon hyung?" Hansol asked.

"I'm not sure, we can send this over to Wonwoo." Jihoon said. "I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about this guy."

"I'll go get Mingyu to see if that wound on Jisoo's leg is any similar to the victims in the past." Jeonghan said, heading to his room, pulling his phone out.

"Seungcheol hyung." Jihoon called out, motioning him over.

"I need you to follow him, don't let him know he's going to be followed by you." 

"Why do I have to follow him?"

"Just do it, you don't know if he's lying or doing something extra to find the man himself."

"I guess I'll try to do that."

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