Chapter 20

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Jeonghan and Jihoon was in front of the operation door, waiting for Seungcheol. Jeonghan was sitting on the floor against the wall full of gulit, while Jihoon was sitting on a seat, having his head held low.

Chan, Jisoo and Seokmin turned the corner and saw the two, feeling bad for them. They walked over to them, feeling the sad atmosphere. Jihoon looked up and saw the three and nodded his head.

"We heard about Seungcheol hyung. Is Jeonghan okay over there?" Chan said pointing to Jeonghan.

"I don't know, he did watched Seungcheol get shot and he haven't opened his mouth since I asked who's the guy I caught in the station." Jihoon responded.

"What's his name?" Seokmin asked.

"Ryu Namho." Jihoon answered.

"Who's Ryu Namho? He never mentioned him once." Jisoo said.

"He said he was a family friend, that was supposed to help his family with something I'm not too sure of." Jihoon said.

"So was he looking for him since the beginning of this?" Jisoo asked.

"He probably was." Jihoon responded.

The doctor came through the door, Jeonghan got up looking straight at the doctor's eyes.

"How is Seungcheol doctor?" Jeonghan asked.

"I'm sorry, he died at 6:39pm for the amount of blood that was lost in the process of removing the bullet fragrances." The doctor said.

Jeonghan couldn't believe the doctor's words, he hold onto the doctor's wrist before the doctor turned away.

"Please tell me you're joking doc, please tell me!" Jeonghan said out loud with tears coming out, having his grip tightened on the doctor.

Chan, Seokmin, Jisoo and Jihoon have to remove Jeonghan's hand away from the doctor, apologizing to the doctor on behalf of Jeonghan. Once the doctor took his leave, Jeonghan got out of their grip and left the hospital. Jisoo looked over at Jihoon very worried about Jeonghan.

"Someone should go follow Jeonghan before he does something that could hurt himself." Jisoo said.

"I think he need some time alone, don't you think? We'll look for him later, we all know what he been through already." Jihoon said and they all agreed to look for him at a later time with the others.

Jeonghan ran away from the hospital and eventually taking a break from running through the streets. He walked in a convenience store, seeing Seungkwan, not greeting him but continued looking in the store. He only grabbed a drink and put on the counter in front of Seungkwan, looking at the ground. 

"Hyung, what's the matter?" Seungkwan said, not knowing what happened to Seungcheol.

"I-I-I don't know how to explain this..." Jeonghan said quietly. "I'll let the others tell you."

Jeonghan gave him the money for his drink and left without saying goodbye to Seungkwan. He went to a nearby park next to the Han River, taking a seat on a bench. The scene where he watched Namho shot the gun at Seungcheol replayed in his head.


Jeonghan landed on the floor from Namho and saw him went towards Seungcheol, who still was pointing the gun at him. Jeonghan heard a shot, thinking Seungcheol shot the man. But the man who fell to the ground was Seungcheol, Jeonghan got up yelling Seungcheol's name. Namho threw the gun to the side and took off, leaving the two in the dark room.

"Seungcheol, you're going to be okay, don't give up yet." Jeonghan said, putting pressure on his wound.

"Jeonghan, I don't know if I'll be okay, but if I don't make it, don't be sad for me." Seungcheol said slowly.

"Stop talking like this. You're going to make it." Jeonghan said bursting out into tears.

"Just go find whoever he was, then I'll be happy, don't feel so sadden for me if I don't-" Seungcheol said before going unconscious, leaving Jeonghan who's still have his hands on his wound, trying to stop the bleeding. 

Flashback end

Jeonghan was staring out of space not even noticing that tears was coming out of his eyes. The sun started to set, Jeonghan looked around to see Chan sitting on a swing in a empty playground nearby, staring at him. Jeonghan got up, wiped off his tears and walked over to Chan.

"Hyung, are you okay now?" Chan asked as Jeonghan took a seat on a swing next to Chan.

"I'm fine." Jeonghan said, taking one look at his unopened drink and handed it to Chan. "Take this, you must've struggled to look for me."

Chan took the drink and looked at it. 

"Ain't this what Seungcheol hyung always get to drink back at when you guys are at the academy?" Chan asked, Jeonghan looked at it again and noticed he got the drink Seungcheol always buy when they were coming back from the academy back in the days.

"I guess you can say that. Where is Ryu Namho?" Jeonghan said, trying not to let any tears fall off after thinking about Seungcheol.

"He's already put in the jail, you can visit him in your own time within the visiting hours." Chan said.

"Where's the others?" Jeonghan asked.

"Jisoo and Seokmin searched the whole hospital just in case you're still there, Jihoon went back to the train station." Chan said.

"And you just walked to the park thinking I could be here?" Jeonghan said with a curious look. 

"No, I just went to go visit Seungkwan in that convenience store, and he just asked me about you and what happened earlier." Chan said before silence overcome the two.

"I need to go look for somebody, don't tell them you saw me, just don't tell them please." Jeonghan said breaking the silence, standing up.

"Why hyung? That will just worry them more." Chan said out of shock.

Jeonghan walked away without answering Chan's question, leaving him in the playground as the night rolled in. Jeonghan looked at the folded paper and called over a taxi, giving the driver the address that is far from Seoul.

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