Chapter 15

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As Jisoo was going to drag the man out of the house, he felt sharp pain from his left leg. He looked down at his leg and saw the knife in his leg. The man took the knife out of his leg and pushed him back to wall. The man got up quickly and headed towards the living room.

"Seokmin! Look out for the man." Jisoo said as he tried to get back up.

Seokmin heard the man walking over to him. As he heard Jisoo's yelling, he turned around and saw the man with the bloody knife in hand. He put his phone away and dodge a few attacks from the man. Good thing Seokmin learned how to defend himself from situations like this. He quickly disarmed the knife and tried to hold him down.

"Who are you and why are you doing this?"

As Seokmin asked, the man flipped him over. The man got up quickly and picked up the knife and quickly stabbed the knife on Seokmin's shoulder. Seokmin groaned from the pain, trying to get the knife off.

Jisoo limped his way over to the living room and saw Seokmin and the man there. Jisoo just ran over and knocked the man off his feet. The man got up, picking up Jisoo and throwing him on top of Seokmin. The man quickly examined around him, before taking the knife out and headed out their home.

Jisoo got off of Seokmin, pushing himself to the wall.

"Seokmin, are you okay?"

Seokmin got up slowly, standing up. "Just my shoulder but I'm fine. I'll go get bandages."

"Where's Jeonghan?"

"He's going to be here anytime now."

As Seokmin said that, Jeonghan came running through the door. Jeonghan walked to the living room seeing the blood on the floor, before seeing Jisoo with one bottom half of his pants covered in bright red.

"Jisoo, are you okay?"

"He's fine. Can you get those three out of Hansol's room." Seokmin said, coming back from the kitchen with the first aid kit.

Jeonghan walked over to the room, no mess or blood around there. He twisted the knob, noticing the door was locked.

"Hoshi-ah, open up."

Soonyoung slightly opened the door and saw Jeonghan.

"Hyung, good thing, you're here." Soonyoung said as he opened the door fully, hugging him.

"Jeonghan hyung, what happened? All three of us heard Jisoo's yell and someone hitting the ground hard." Chan said, now wide awake.

"I already called 119, so Wonwoo might come over." Hansol said.

"Well I guess we got two witnesses of what the man looks like. Let's go help Jisoo and Seokmin." Jeonghan said trying to walk with Soonyoung still hugging him.

"Soonyoung let go please I can't walk properly." Jeonghan said, trying to break off contact with Soonyoung.

Hansol and Chan walked past Jeonghan and Soonyoung. The two saw Jisoo with bandages on his left leg, then looked over to Seokmin with bright red on the back of his shirt.

"Hyung, let me help you." Chan said, walking over to Seokmin.

Seokmin handed him the bandages. Before Chan applied the bandages, the door bell rang. Jeonghan broke off from Soonyoung and saw Jisoo trying to get up. Jeonghan quickly walked over and trying to keep him down, not trying to give him pain on his leg.

"Soonyoung go get the door." Jeonghan said, staying by Jisoo's side.

Soonyoung headed to the door and saw the mess at the entrance and the blood. He went around and opened the door to Wonwoo, Jihoon, and Seuncheol.

"Password?" Soonyoung said as he sees them.

"Not the time, now where are the two?" Wonwoo said walking in, moving around the mess at the front door.

The three walked behind Wonwoo to the living room. Seungcheol and Jihoon saw the two and one went to one another.

"Where's the paramedics at?" Seokmin asked.

"They're going to be coming in, soon as the other officers." Wonwoo said.

Wonwoo looked around the area, checking for anything that was left behind.

"Jisoo hyung, mind if you want to explain from beginning to now?" Jihoon asked.

Jisoo explained every detail of how they become like this with Seungcheol writing down things here and there.

After Jisoo finished explaining, there was a knock on the door, yet again Jisoo tried to get up, Jeonghan hold him down.

"Is this your habit or something Jisoo?"

"Yeah...sorry Jeonghan."

Wonwoo headed over to the door and looked through the peephole and saw the paramedics. He opened the door and lead them to Seokmin and Jisoo. The first responders was behind the paramedics and saw the scene.

"Where's the crew?" Wonwoo asked the first responders.

"They are still at the other case sir."

Wonwoo sighed and looked at the first responders. He took his phone out and started taking pictures of the front entrance, the hallway to the living room. Jeonghan watched Wonwoo take pictures of the place, while Jihoon and Seungcheol are questioning Soonyoung, Hansol and Chan.

"Jihoon, Seungcheol, why questioning them, they were only in the room, hearing Jisoo and Seokmin fighting the guy that stabbed them." Jeonghan said, walking over to them.

"You may never know if they saw parts of what happened here." Jihoon said, looking at Jeonghan then turning back to Soonyoung, Hansol and Chan.

"Jeonghan hyung right, we only heard what was going on in Hansol's room. I was trying to sleep, whoever was at the door, kept banging. So I told Hansol to tell them to answer the door." Chan explaining from the very beginning.

"Where's Junhui and Minghao?" Jeonghan asked.

They heard footsteps running the home, Wonwoo started walking over to the entrance.

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