Chapter 1

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Season: 7

Episode: Meet the New Boss


"I will never, ever worship a God that is okay with killing a baby for power" I spit, standing in his face, daring him to smite me.

"You fear me." He says, looking down at me.

"No. I hate you." I say, grabbing the blade he placed on the table and handing it to him. I was giving him every reason to kill me and yet he doesn't. "You killed our baby so you could become God. So I hope you die a very very painful death when the guys find out how to kill you."

"What a brave little ant you are." He says, standing so were chest to chest. Like we were the night of the argument that got me pregnant. "You know you're powerless against me, you wouldn't dare move against me again. That would be pointless. Especially since I have our daughter. Alive and well." His words are like a punch in the gut. "So I have no need to kill you. Not now. Besides...once you were my favorite pets before you turned and bit me."

"Now that's just stupid. You just told a pissed off mother that her kid is alive."

"I am God." He reminds. "And if you stay in your place, you may live in my kingdom. If you rise up, I will strike you down." He steps back from me, causing Sam to pull me to him. He wasn't doing too good. It makes me forget about my daughter for just a second sad I look at him with concern. What did he do to him?

"Not doing so well, are you Sam?" Dick-stiel says.

"I'm fine." He says, causing a coughing fit before he pulls back up. "I'm... fine."

"You said you would fix him - you promised!" Dean snaps.

"He promised a lot of things, Dean." I say as I rub Sam's back.

"IF you stood down, which you hardly did. Be thankful for my mercy. I could have cast you back into the pit." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Cas, come on, this is nuts! You can turn this around, please!" Dean tries. It won't work though, I know it.

"I hope for your sake this is the last you see me."

"Oh, it won't be." I promise before he disappears.

I look over at Sam as he leans into me, his body tense and shaking slightly.

"Sam? Sammy!" I say in panic, tapping his face.


"I got all feelers out, so far I've got diddly squat." Bobby says as we watched me drink straight from the whiskey bottle. This is the second one I've finished in just as many days. Not having alcohol for six months has played with my tolerance a bit but in truth... I'm glad. It means I can get hammered easier.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Dean asks, following Bobby's gaze. He frowns when he sees the sight.

"Exactly. What? Miracles, mass visions, trenchcoat on a tortilla? I don't know what I'm lookin' for."

"Try looking for righteous murders. Maybe one involving a baby?"

"Amelia, he won't-"

"Don't you dare try that Dean, you also thought he wouldn't get all power hungry but he did. For all I know, she's already dead."

"He'll surface. And we'll get her." Dean promises firmly

"So say we do suss out where 'new and improved' flew off to..." Bobby speaks up, thinking out loud.


"The hell we plan to do about it?"

"Kill him. Cut the head off the snake. Literally." I speak up honestly, taking one last swig of the bottle before throwing it away, now empty.

"If you stick your neck out, Cas steps on it." Dean points out plainly, though a sense of betrayal leaks through. "So, you know what I'm gonna do?"

"Drink? You should drink." I speak up from my spot on the hood of a nearby car. He ignores me.

"I'm gonna fix this car." He says, looking to Bobby. "Because that's what I can do. I can work on her 'til she's mint. And when Sam wakes up, no matter what shape he's in, we'll glue him back together too. We owe him that." Dean says, climbing back into the car to try and pop up the roof again. I knew Dean was right. He usually was in situations like this. But he was suggesting sitting with our thumbs up our asses while 'god' does whatever he do pleases with my baby.

"I get that." I say, standing up a little too quickly and staggering. The alcohol starting to take affect. "I do. Sam is my twin and I want him in tip-top shape. I want him to be able to do all the damn exercise and morning runs the the dumbass loves to do. But dammit, guys." I slam my hands down on the hood I was just sitting on. "This is my baby! I can't just sit on my ass, I need to find her."

"Sitting around here drinking ain't really doing that is it." Bobby comments and I glare at him.

"I do shit, thank you very much. It just takes copious amounts of alcohol to get through it."

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