Chapter 14

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Season: 7

Episode: Time after Time


One month without Bobby and it all goes to shit. One month without reason and we're all an absolute mess. We don't know where to go, we don't know what to do and we have nobody to tell us when something is a damn stupid idea.

Maybe that's why Sam is currently walking into the house we're squatting at without our brother.

"What do you mean 'you lost him'! What does that mean!?" I snap, standing from the table, staring at my twin with a hard look.

"Well, it means the thing we were chasing disappeared... with him."

"You're kidding." Sam and I stare at each other, analysing each other's expressions. "You're not kidding, what the hell, Sam!" I snap as I slam my hands down on the table.

"Mommy?" I look up to see Celeste, half hiding behind the door frame of our room, her shoulder length curls messy from sleep. I close my eyes and sigh, looking down.

"I'm sorry baby, uncle Sammy and I are just having a fight because he's stupid." Sam bitch faces me. "Go back to bed, okay? I'll be in there in a second."

She nods, rubbing her bright blue eyes before slipping back into the room. My eyes harden as I look to Sam sternly. "You and I are having a very quiet heated talk when I get back." I say with a pointed finger.

I walk off to the room, seeing my little girl laying down on her blanket, watching me with expectant eyes. I give her a gentle smile before sitting next to her, playing with her hair.

"Is uncle Dean okay?" She asks as she places her tiny hands under her head.

I nod and frown. "He'll be fine. Mommy and Uncle Sam are gonna find him and then hurt him really badly for being stupid, how does that sound?"

She giggles and my smile widens as I kiss her head. "There's my beautiful girl. You get some sleep, okay? We'll talk about this more in the morning." I pull away from her and look to the door where Sam is standing. My face hardens as I walk past him and back into the living room, sitting at the old chair.

"You're really good with her." He says softly, obviously trying to change the subject so he doesn't get in shit.

"Shut up, Sam. I know I am." I sigh and rub my face. "Now... Dean. How we going about getting him back?"

"We don't even know what we're dealing with, Mia."

"Great." I say with a deep sigh. "Let's start there then."


"I leave for not even ten minutes and you're already taking in strays." I call out to Sam as I place breakfast on the table, smiling as I see the familiar face round the corner.

"Hey Jody, hows things?"

"Yeah, well, all things considered, I'm going pretty well." I pull a thin smile before fishing out our breakfasts from the bag.

"That's good then. It's uh... what he would have wanted." I say as mentally stable as possible.

"Momma? Did you get me pancakes?" I hear a little voice ask and I look up with a smile. "Of course I did. Only the best for my little angel. Come eat while I help uncle Sammy unpack, okay?"

She nods quickly and runs over to me. I pick her up, giving her a quick hug before setting her down at the table with a take-away box full of pancakes and a cup of syrup.

"Try not to get too messy, okay?" I call out before following Jody out to get to Sam.

"How've you been, Mia?" Jody suddenly asks me and I stop. I look at her and her uncannily similar concerned face. My eyebrows knot together and I look away. "It's hard." I say suddenly, unsure why I'm suddenly spilling everything on the woman.

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