Chapter 21

19 1 0

Season: 7

Episode: The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo


"So you're saying, you guys are monster hunters. So, there are other monsters? Stop. Never mind. Just shh. Okay, I get how you tracked the drive - straight GPS - but it's still at the office. How did you find me?" We're all currently sitting in the woman who I've learned is named Charlie's living room. Celeste is mesmerised by all the action figures and fan memorabilia littered around the place.

Sam clears his throat before showing Charlie the same footage he showed me before we came here.

"Aw! Son of a gun jacked my webcam?!" The poor girl was having a panic attack. I felt bad for her.

"Welcome to Frank." Dean says sarcastically

"It's creepy, but I'll give it to him." She nods, pacing the room. "So you're telling me everything he had on his drive is true."

"That and more." I confirm

"Wait. How long did it take you to crack into Frank's drive?" Sam says in his 'I have an idea' tone.

"A day or so." She shrugs as she stops pacing, twiddling with her fingers.

"Is there anything you can't hack into?"

"Not yet." She seems very self conscious now... modest even.

"How about Dick Roman's e-mail?" Suicide mission. But if possible...

"Why would I..." Charlie starts before realising something very, very, important. "Oh. He's one of them."

"Try the top dog." I speak up

"So what's the end game - steal our resources, make us some slaves?"

"Planet-wide value meal. We're the meat." Dean explains much like he did to me.

"You can't be... serious." She looks between the three of our stoic faces at we stare at her with a deadly serious face. "Okay. All right. Let's do this. What am I looking for?" She says, nodding as she pulls out a chair to her desk, sitting down and opening up her laptop.

"Well, for starters, uh, anything about archaeological dig sites." Dean says like it's just common knowledge.

"Like Indiana Jones stuff?"

"All we know is that Dick has been digging all over the world, and we need to know what he's looking for." He clarifies

"You know, I was having a really good week." She says and I feel sorry for her, knowing exactly what she felt. "I met someone, downloaded the new Robyn album. Everything was coming up me. Oh, crap." I turn my attention to her completely, even Celeste turns.

"Look, we get it sucks." Sam starts.

"No, not that. This. Dick's e-mail isn't on the company server. It's on a private one, in his office."

"Meaning?" I ask

"Can't get in it unless you have his phone or you're at his desk." Naturally.

"So you're saying that if we're inside Dick's office, then we can hack into his e-mail?"

"You can't. Only someone like..." She says, implying herself. We all register, part of us assuming she'll nominate to do it. We're all dumb. "But I sure as hell ain't doing it. I am doing my job and..." She trails off again as she thinks everything through. "What are the chances I see everything on that drive and Dick lets me live anyway?"

"I think you know." Sam and I say

"So I erase the drive first, protect me and you. Then I go back to my old life, right?" We all stare hard at her. "What?"

"It's not that easy. You're on Dick's radar, which means you don't have an old life anymore."

"I'm gonna die." She says the sentiment weve all thought. "I should have taken that job at Google."

"And I should have stayed a Doctor." I say nonchalantly

"Look, Charlie, it's okay if you can't do it. I mean, you didn't volunteer for this."

"Totally. Exactly." She nods. "But now I volunteer."

"What?" Sam and I ask in different tones. Sam was shocked, I was just thinking she was stupid.

"I got to go back in anyways to wipe Frank's drive. Might as well break into Dick's office, too." She says with a shrug. She's definitely earned by respect.

"Are you sure?" Sam asks

"No. But these things are gonna eat everyone I know. What kind of douchebag stands by for that?" She asks. None of us answer. "However, I have never broken into anything in real life before, so... plan?"

"You got a Bluetooth?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." She relies, prompting the boys to get up and join her at the desk. I stay where I am, looking on from afar.

"Security system - can you get into that?" Dean asks. She nods.

"I can reroute any surveillance cameras we need."

"All right. Let's start with that."

"Do you have a key card to get in the building?" Sam asks.

"Uh, yeah. I can't duplicate it, but I can make a fake backing, so that I can access other floors."

And like that we're making a plan to infiltrate the lion's den without getting eaten.

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