Chapter 6

36 1 0

Season: 7

Episode(s): Hello, Cruel World / The Girl Next Door


"Hey, wake up. We've got a lead." Bobby says as I'm shook awake. I groan and sit up, looking beside me at the portable crib to see Celeste sleeping peacefully. I can't remember how she got in there, maybe Bobby put her in after we fell asleep on the lounge together.

"A lead? But I thought Dean was already following one up."

"Yeah, well this one is a ten minute drive and it's urgent. I need help and Sam isn't all with it, no offence." He says, looking to Sam.

"None taken."

"But Celeste..."

"Is sleeping. And like I said, it's a ten minute drive. She'll be fine."

I glance to Sam before back to Bobby. I nod. "If anything happens to her, I'm killing both of you." I promise as I get up, grabbing my jacket that was actually one of Sam's.

I look to Bobby with a nod before walking out the door.

"So, what's the lead?"

"The sherif." Bobby says as we get into his truck. "Jody Mills. She's down at the hospital, says her surgeon is Chopin' up patients and having a few midnight snacks."

"You thinking Leviathans?"

"Fits the lead Dean was following. Leviathans or not though, there's a monster down at that hospital."

"Yeah, no doubt..." I say, looking out the window

The rest of the trip is short and silent. But as soon as arrive, we jump to action.


"Can I help you?" A doctor speaks up

"You can maybe still help this hospital." Bobby says, quickly pulling out his FBI badge to show them. "Who's responsible for this sloppy bit of documentation?" He holds up the crappy paperwork that was resting on the body.

The doctors eyes light with recognition, causing mine to widen in fear and realisation. "I know you, both of you."

"Doubt it." I say as Bobby, also having the moment of 'oh shit' says "no you've got the wrong guy."

"Bobby... Singer... and Amelia Winchester." He says, looking to each of us respectively. "Yes. We saw you. Through the Angel's eyes."

"Oh crap." I say as Bobby quickly picks up a mallet and swings it at their head. It does nothing.

Bobby grabs his gun, cocks it, then realises that dr psycho over here has turned into dr death worm. He shoots when I back up to be standing next to him. It causes him to switch back into normal him but literally nothing else. All the shotgun pellets just rain down at his feet with a pile of black goo.

"Good argument." I nod, grabbing my angel blade. "Here's my counter." I say, pushing bobby out the door for us to start running.


I'm gonna kill em. I'm gonna kill both of em. Right after I save their asses. How dare they leave my baby alone to get attacked by Leviathans? How dare they leave her in a burning house! They're so goddamn lucky that she's mostly angel or I would literally have burnt them from the inside out.

"Hey! Get your ass out of bed, get dressed, get to the ambulance dock. Now." I snap at my high as a kite big brother as I throw him his clothes. "Fair warning, I'm pissed at you. So you can either deal with me or the human eating monsters. Your choice. I really don't care right now." I tap his face roughly before pulling away, my eyes connecting with Bobby's momentarily. "One down, now lets go get my dumbass twin so I can rip him a new one."

"Woah. Easy there." Bobby says, holding a hand to my chest. "You're carrying a baby. We want to make the FBI interception look believable. You're going with Dean."

I shrug. "That works. I'll start punching into him while I wait for you." I fake a smile before turning back to Dean who had managed to at least get his pants on while we talked.

"I'd say take it easy on 'em but keeping them alive in this case is taking it easy." He says, tapping my shoulder before walking off.

"How dare you?" I spit at Dean once we're alone.

"Look, as much as I'm sure I deserve this lecture, can we save it until we're not on the dinner menu?"

I narrow my eyes as he slugs on his jacket but huff. "Fine. Come on." I grab his arm violently with the arm not holding Celeste.

"Ow, ow, ow." Dean groans as I drag him, forcing him to hobble on his broken leg.

"Shut up." I snap, walking a little slower so he can walk. In order to avoid where I last saw psycho doctor, I had to drag him around the long way. Which works out well for me because it means more pain I get to force him to endure. But... eventually I manage to get him to the ambulance with Leviathans hot on our tail, shoving him in the front while I climb in the back with Sam. I was going to start yelling at him when I realise he's out cold. Some major shit must have gone down. I frown as I look to my baby, who, like the good little observant girl she is is just quiet and looking around, taking everything in.


Three weeks later and my little one year old is a one and a half to two year old who can walk and talk. Sure, not whole conversations but enough to get her point across.

Sam is awake, I can tell he's still in bad shape, Dean's leg is still very much broken, just like all of our spirits.

"The other shoe is gonna drop it's just a matter of when." Dean snaps.

"Hey! I just put her down, can you be much louder?" I hiss as I walk out of our room.

"Sorry." Dean mumbles when I give him a look I'm convinced only mothers can give because I could not give the look before I got pregnant.

"Mhm." I say before sitting at one of the available chairs. "Look, Dean, I get it. You're worried about Sam. I am too. We all are. But right now... he's up, he's breathing... Celeste loves him. And that is a big thing, you know it. Sure we're hiding out from the end of the world but in here, despite a couple zone outs and a broken leg, were fine. I want to focus on that for a moment. Please, Dean."

We have a small staring competition before he gives in with a nod. "Yeah, okay."

"Thank you. Now, I'm gonna hit the hay early. That kid is exhausting me." I tap his broken leg once, hard, smirking at the groan it produces before walking off to go lay back down with Celeste.

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