Chapter 13

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Season: 7

Episode: Death's Door


3rd Person POV:

If Mia was asked this morning if she saw herself getting shot in the heart, she would have said no. Of course she would have. Nobody in their right mind would have said yes.
Then again... The Winchesters never were in their right mind.

Sam and Dean were torn. In one operating room they had their sister... chest getting cut open while machines kept her blood pumping to hopefully keep her alive in time to watch her daughter grow up. Even if that may only be a year in her case.

And then in the room adjacent is the man who had always been a father figure to them, a bullet wound to the head which -the doctors say- is likely inoperable.

It was one day for the brothers... one day where they might loose two of their most beloved family members.


Mia is the first out of surgery, yet still not awake. A breathing tube shoved down her throat from the bullet not only clipping her heart but completely puncturing her left lung.

The doctors provided her brothers and too young to understand daughter a bunch of 'ifs' to their questions. If she wakes up... if the transplant doesn't get rejected... if she survives.

Celeste seemed extremely unsettled by this, nestling her face into her Uncle Dean's neck. Of course, she couldn't understand what was actually going on... she was three. Well - five months. But she was also -mostly- an angel. She could sense the pain that radiated off of everyone. Emotional from her uncles, physical from her mother. She felt every drop of what she was feeling. After all, they were bonded.


Hours later, way too many, Bobby comes out too. But, much like their sister, he is yet to wake. Instead, he lays unconscious with a bandage wrapped tight amongst his head.

Celeste sleeps peacefully against Dean who has been holding her close since they arrived at the hospital almost a whole twelve hours earlier. She remains oblivious to just how much trouble her mother and grandfather are in.

"Excuse me." A man wearing a rather ugly looking dark beige suit says as he walks up to the three Winchesters. "Is one of you Robert and Amelia Singer's next of kin?"

The hospital had the Winchesters down as Singers for the plain and simple reason that the name 'Winchester' was closely affiliated with America's most wanted -supposed to be dead- serial killers.

"Yeah. I am." Dean says, exhausted, stressed and cranky. "Sam, take her." He continues, gently offloading the sleeping nephelim to Sam before walking off down the hall with the man.

"I know this is a tough time..." the man says, obviously a seedy business man, preying on the emotional and needy.

"Look, no offence but you can skip the garnish. His insurance lapses or what?" Dean says, already expressing his desire to be back with his brother and his niece, back in the ward where his sister and father figure are dying.

"We're sorry to ask but, um, did your uncle or your sister ever make their wishes known i-in regards to organ donation?"

Dean recoils at his words, his face hard and intimidating. It was probably a bad idea to let the man be pinned against the wall by Dean's large figure.

"Organs are only viable for a very limited window..." the man goes on to explain which seemingly pisses off the oldest Winchester.


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