Chapter 16

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Season: 7

Episode: Out with the Old


"Woah, woah, woah, you're taking her?" Dean says as I unbuckle my daughter from the back seat.

"It's a cursed object, Dean. We stay away from it, we're fine. I'm not leaving her in the car." I say to him before looking to the girl who is slipping bout of the safety strap. "Come on honey." I say, taking her hand as her boots land on the wet pavement beside me.

We walk up to the door, I let the boys take the lead. "Mommy, something feels bad." Celeste says, tugging at my arm. I stop for a moment, turning to look at her.

"What do you mean, baby?"

"I feel something bad. Like when daddy went away." My body tenses for two reasons. One, Celeste remembers that day. She was barely even two months old and she remembers. Two, that means she senses leviathan.

"Mommy, it's okay to be scared." She says, her hands reaching for my face. "I'll protect you like I did then."

I smile lightly, placing a hand over hers. "I should be the one protecting you." I say before I hear a loud crash coming from inside.

"Stay here." I order, running inside with nothing more than my angel blade. I knew that would do nothing to a leviathan but it's better than nothing I suppose.

"Hey! Pick on someone your own size." I spit to the female realestate agent who turns her attention from Dean to me, coming in for a quick attack.

She throws me across the room. I can hear yelling, and fighting. I assume the boys have started targeting the one leviathan to take them down quicker.

"You three always seem to get in the way." The agent says as she walks up to me. "But that's okay, now I'll get to eat you." Her face turns into that horrifying worm thing or whatever as she goes to lunge at me.

Bracing for teeth, I instead feel warmth as I look up, seeing the five-ish year old standing in front of me with her hand out and her whole body glowing in bright heavenly fire. The body drops, causing me to stare between it and my daughter.

I look up to see Sam, frozen in as much shock as i am, holding a sword. "Cut it off." I say nodding to the body. "Just in case."

My powerful ass daughter who just saved my life turns to me, her blue eyes examining every inch of me much like the older replicas used to do. When she realises that I'm okay she runs up to me and hugs me tight. "I'm sorry I didn't listen, momma." She mumbles into my clothes. I'm too shocked to reply, I just hug her back tighter.


"One minute. That's how long you have to explain to us why you helped us." Sam says, holding the sword up to the other Leviathan's neck

"Because I am dying to know what that bitch tastes like." He says simply and I recoil.

"Wait, let me get this straight. You want to eat your boss?" Dean asks, as grossed out as I am.

"You got a better way to make her stay dead?"

Yeah. My daughter.

"So, what? So now you're - you're on our side or something?" Sam questions

"Yeah. No." The leviathan laughs, taking off his jacket and loosening his button-down and tie. "But if Joyce is alive, then I spend the rest of my life cleaning her messes. Or worse, I get eaten. Or bibbed. So, thanks... for chopping her head off for me. Taking her on solo - yikes. So, really, thanks for the assist there. And, of course," he looks directly at me. "You're welcome... for saving you... before she ripped into your ass like a Christmas present. Win-win, right?" We all give him a hard look. Even the child my side. "So how 'bout that head?"

"No." I say simply. Sam moves the blade to me up against him tighter.

"Now... what the hell is Dick Roman building in Wisconsin?" Dean demands.

"I don't know. I barely know where Wisconsin is. I'm a West-Coast representative."

"You gonna keep killing people who don't sign on the dotted line?"

"All right, take it easy." He says, moving his hands to the sword blade to move it away from his neck, licking his finger of the black goo that accumulates on his finger because of it - probably deliberately from it.

"Mmm." He really enjoys the taste of Joyce apparently. "Killing people isn't part of the agenda. Joyce just kept getting impatient. You - you got nothing to worry about with me. Don't you get it? You guys are freaking out about the wrong thing."

"Oh, you think?"

"A couple of real-estate deals? Come on. Big picture, guys." He's got a very valid point. A point I've been questioning since I heard about it. "You - you think it's just here? It's everywhere. And it's a lot more ambitious than this little project. My advice - keep your heads down and stay down."

"That's what I've been trying to do." I mumble, giving a side glance to Dean.

"Listen to me, you gooey son of a bitch. You're gonna tell us what you're building here, or I'm gonna wash your mouth out with soap." He indicates to the bucket of borax the boys used earlier.

"Hmm. I was hoping we could play nice." He pauses, hoping we'll back down. Realising that will get him nowhere, he continues. "But if you must know... it's going to be a research center."

"Research for what?" I ask, eyes narrowing

"Disease. This, ladies and gentlemen, is where we are going to cure cancer." I'm taken very aback by this statement. I look to the guys who also look at me. We're all as confused as each other.

"Wait. That doesn't make any sense. I mean, why would Dick Roman want to cure cancer?"

"'Cause we're only here to help." He says simply which makes me way too confused for my fatigued state. "Celeste, kill him." I say, taking a step back to let her though. She does as asked, frying him from the inside out.

"What was that for?" Sam asks in shock. I shrug. "As you heard, he wasn't really on our side. He would have told Dick we were here and they'd have eyes out for us again. For Celeste because we now know she can actually kill the bastards. I wasn't taking that risk. Now, how about you say we take a bit of a drive to see how Frank is going." I say before placing a gentle hand on Celeste's back as I guide her out to our car.


We arrive at the trailer the next night, the rain pouring heavily. Sam and Dean in the car behind us. I look over to see Celeste sleeping, curled up in one of the warmer blankets. To be fair, it's pretty cold for the beginning of spring. I decide to leave her be, it's the middle of the forest, there is no main road for at least a mile and we're hidden by shrubbery anyway. Plus, dragging her out meant getting her wet for no reason.

I climb out of the car just as Dean starts walking over to me. He looks in the window to see the sleeping girl and frowns slightly, most likely thinking about how she can literally kill the unkillable. "I don't know either, Dean. One of the reasons why I want to talk to Frank." I say, indicating that we should probably go inside.

He just nods and turns back towards the trailer which, now I notice it, is blaring music so loud you'd be deaf if right up next to the speaker.

"Hey, Frank!" Dean yells, pounding on the trailer door. "Devereaux!"

Nothing but the sound of music blaring is our reply.

"What the hell is he doing in there?" Dean asks to us as he pounds the door again.

"Frank! Don't shoot! We're coming in!" He warns before opening the door and stepping in, followed by me and lastly Sam.

What we see before us is not a pleasant sight. In all my years as a hunter, I don't think I've ever seen something so brutal. The place is a mess, papers scattered, computers smashed, the metal racks which he hangs his guns unhinged and half fallen from the wall. To top it all off there is blood, a lot of blood. And, on one particular screen displaying the one and only Dick Roman, Black goo is also present. From this alone it's obvious that the leviathans found Frank.

"Not good." Dean says obviously after a long while of taking in the scene. I nod in agreement. This was not good at all.

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