Chapter 17

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Season: 7

Episode: The born-again identity


"Are you kidding me?!" I snap to Dean as he comes back from the damn hospital. "Sam gets in a car crash, he's forced into the damn loony bin and he doesn't want me or Celeste seeing him!? Why!"

"He said he doesn't want either of you seeing him like that and frankly, I agree. He's bad, Mia."

"You two watched me almost die. You saw me in a coma with my damn shirt ripped open not even five months ago. Sam is still walking and talking, how is that fair?"

"I don't want you seeing him because he's walking and talking, Amelia. Just like how I wouldn't let Sam see you when you were there until you got at least a little bit decent. I'm putting my foot down."

"Low blow, Dean." I hiss but give in, rubbing my face. "What's the plan then?"

"We call every hunter we know and hope to god there's someone out there with a fix."

I nod, pulling out my phone and going into one of Dean's bags for Bobby's call book, placing it down on the table. "I'll get the drinks. You start calling." I say, walking over to the fridge and grabbing a few beers before walking back over to Dean.


We call so many numbers, we have our lines imprinted in our brains, a haunting echo whispering into our ears as we give up to get another drink. When we turn around, there's a loud thud as the call book drops the the floor. I raise an eyebrow and watch as Dean picks it up, followed by a business card that must have fallen out. He looks at me for opinions. I shrug, leaning over the table.

"One number we haven't tried. Call it." I suggest to which he shrugs, pulling out his phone and dialling the number. There's a pause as we wait for an answer and, much like most of the calls, it goes through to voice mail.

"Yeah, hi. Uh... my name's Dean. I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's. I'm, uh, looking for some info. If you could call me back at 785-555-0128. Thanks." He says before hanging up.

"I'm gonna check on Celeste." I decide as I pull away from the table with a tight smile.


"Mia!" I hear Dean yell and I run out of the room my daughter is crashing in to see Dean holding up his phone.

I quickly take it, answering with a questioning 'hello' and holding my breath.

"Hey, who's this?" The man on the other end asks.

"Amelia Winchester, sir. I'm Dean's sister."

"Mackey. Calling you back. Hey. Real sorry about Bobby." I frown but nod.

"Yeah, we all are."

"Look, what you called about - I might have something for you." I get Dean's attention by waving a frantic arm in the air before flicking the phone to speaker. "There's this guy. He goes by 'Emmanuel.'" I frown. That name sounded very much angelic. "He kind of roams. First started hearing about him a couple of months back. How he was healing the sick, curing the crazy."

"Uh-huh." Dean and I say.

"Naturally, I think something in the milk ain't clean. Find this sucker, punch his clock. Right?"

"Right." Dean says

"Heard the best way to get to him is through his wife, Daphne, out in Colorado? So, I go. Tell her I'm going blind. It's true. My right eye's burnt out. She says, 'Go home. He'll come.' So, I go. I set every trap, every test in the book." I nod, agreeing with his method. Best way to go when you don't know what you're working with.

"That's what I would have done."

"Emmanuel shows. He passes every one." As in... like... doesn't get trapped? As in angel? As in just like what we did with Cas all those years ago? "There ain't nothing weird about this guy. Except... he's the real deal."

"What do you mean?" Dean and I ask. Not in exactly the same words but the sentiment still stands.

"He touched me, and my eye was fixed." I'm still betting angel. "Look - I don't believe in much that don't suck your blood. But I wouldn't call you on a maybe."

Dean and I share a look, both of us understanding we were about to go for a drive and get ourselves a healer.


Dean, Celeste and myself walk up to the front door of the house we were told to go to, knocking on the door. A man opens it, looking between the three of us

"Hi. Uh, is this, uh, Daphne Allen's house? I'm looking for Emmanuel." I'm so desperate to find help for my twin, I don't notice Celeste's wariness as she grips tightly to my side.

"Well, you found him. Daphne's resting. If you don't mind."

"Oh, yeah, sure." Dean says, taking a step back to allow the man out, closing the door behind him.

"Um... So, I was hoping, uh..." Dean starts saying as his eyes wander to a window. When his face hardens, I turn to follow his gaze, noticing a scared woman bound and gagged. I turn my attention back to the man that is now sporting black eyes.

The demon grabs my brother, throwing him against the door and breaking the window pane affixed to it.

"You were saying, Dean?" The demon prompts, cornering us all by the door.

"You know, I'd think twice. Or don't you know that your boss issued a hands-off memo?" Dean reminds sternly.

The demon laughs. "Please. What have you done for him lately? Roman's head on a plate? No? Whatever Emmanuel is, Crowley's gonna want him - a lot more than he wants you these days. Maybe not so much your daughter here-" his whole body lights up and sparks suddenly. I look down to see Celeste with a clenched fist and pissed off look before looking to Dean who is simply standing there in shock. I side the opportunity to kick the man in the chest, causing him to stumble down the stairs as he dies off completely.

His body lands at the feet of a very unexpected individual. "Holy crap." I breathe out, my hands suddenly shaking as I stare at the face of my daughter's father.

"What was that?" Is all he asks me.

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