Chapter 19

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Season: 7

Episode: The born-again identity


We arrive at the hospital that Sam is in, many hours, awkward moments and short lived arguments later.

"Dammit, demons." Meg says as she looks at the people outside. I frown, looking to Celeste, then to Cas, then back at the demons.

"No grass growing under your feet."

"How many of those knives do you have?" Cas asks

"Just the one. But I do have this." I hold up the angel blade. "But that only leaves us with two against... what? At least ten?"

"Well, then, forgive me, but what do we do?"

"Good question."

"Yeah, Dean. Got any other ideas how we could blast through that?" Meg says with strong implication beneath her words.

"Excuse us. Meg?" Dean asks then looks at me, telling me that I need to come too.

"Oh, for the love of..." Meg mumbles as we both walk slightly away. Not that it really matters, Castiel is an angel. He can hear us.

"Sam's in there. I know you're enjoying the double dip with your old pal, but-" Meg tries to remind.

"You think it's that cut and dry? Really? You know what he did. And you want to tell him and just hope that he takes it in stride? He could snap. He could... disappear. Who knows?"

"I gather we know each other." Cas says as he walks up to us.

"Just a dollop." Meg smiles

"You can tell me. I'll be fine." I roll my eyes at his words.

"How do you know? You just met yourself. I've known you for years."

"You're an angel." Meg says simply, getting tired of the prance-around

"I'm sorry? Is that a flirtation?" Cas slightly tilts his head in the infamous confused glance.

"No, it's a species. A very powerful one."

"She's not lying. Okay? That's why you heal people. You don't eat. I'm sure there's more."

"Oh there's definitely more." I nod.

"Why wouldn't you tell me? Being an angel - it sounds pleasant." Poor naïve Cas.

"It's not, trust me. It's bloody, it's corrupt. It's not pleasant."

"He would know. You used to fight together. Bestest friends, actually. And of course she would know, besides from the fact that she is technically half of one. You two made a child together." She whispers the last bit but it was loud enough for us all to hear. I narrow my eyes at her.

"We're... friends? Am I Cas? I-I had no idea. I don't remember you. I'm sorry." I roll my eyes and look to Celeste. She's just staring down at the demons.

"Look. You got the juice. You can smite every demon in that lot." Meg speaks up.

"But I don't remember how."

"I could do it." Celeste suggests, earning a choir of 'no's to sing out from three of the four adults. Meg on the other hand says yes. She's intrigued as to what my baby can do and probably has been since she caught wind of me having one.

"It's in there, Cas." Dean says, going back to the using the amnesiac angel plan. "I'm sure it's just like riding a bike."

"I don't know how to do that, either." Dean and I roll our eyes. There's a long pause as he considers everything. "All right, I'll try." He says, walking off towards the army of demons.

Afraid of The LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora