Chapter 10

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Season: 7

Episode: Slash Fiction


"Stop." I say, grabbing the boys jackets and pulling them back into the shade of a tree. "Look." I nod to the car that holds our duplicates.

"Oh, no. This is all sorts of wrong." Sam comments as the car pulls up and they get out.

"Those are nice wheels. Tell you what, when this is over, I'm stealing those rims." Dean says, fishing out his phone, assumably to call Bobby.

"Bobby, we got eyes on them."

I watch as the fake Dean opens the trunk. My hands are shaking with anger and... was that fear? I rarely got so scared that I shook...

"It's like looking at a funhouse mirror... All right, well, tell me you got something. Otherwise, we're gonna have to get in close."

The boys start walking towards the and my eyes widen in shock at their stupidity. While they're getting closer, I'm backing into an alley. We are not ready to take them on. Especially not so out in the open like this.

And then there is a siren. "Shit." I hiss and press myself against the wall, hoping to god I'm hidden well enough.

"Hands in the air!" I hear the cop yell.

"Shit, shit, shit." I whisper as I pat myself down for weapons. One gun and a dagger. Great.

More sirens go off, causing me to groan silently and slowly slip further down the alley. I needed to get back to the car, call bobby and regroup. Now. And somehow save my dumbass brothers along the way.

I hear the cars drive off, including the familiar rev of the fake impala. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding before calling Bobby.

"Mia? What just happened?"

"My dumbass brothers just got themselves arrested, that's what. Have you found a way to kill em yet? Cause I'll be needing that."

"Cutting their heads off will buy you time, but not much. You're not plannin' on-"

"Yeah, I am. It's the only way I can get them back before they're sentenced to sparky." I say, pulling my phone away from my ear for a moment before putting it back. "Bobby, if things don't work out... run. Kay? Run to the other side of the world with Celeste and make sure she knows her momma loved her."

"Don't talk like that..."

"Promise me, Bobby."

"Alright, Fine. I promise."

"Thank you." I breathe before hanging up. Time for a suicide mission.


"Alright, lets get you out of here." I say as I slip through the small ass window of the station's holding cell.


"No, dumbass, I'm a Leviathan who's helping you rather than eating you. Of course it's me!" I hiss before getting to work on the lock.

"Did the leviathan see you?"

"No, I don't think so, why?"

"Then go, get as much borax as you can and drown the mothers in it. You can get the drop on 'em."

"Wait, borax?"

"Long story, now-"

"Hey!" I hear a shocked looking police officer yell at me as they come down the stairs with keys in hand.

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