Chapter 15

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Season: 7

Episode: Out with the Old


It's been four months since the run in with Dick Roman... four moths since Bobby died... four months since I survived a shot to the heart.

That means that it's been one month since I parted from the boys as my paranoia set in, running around the country, never staying in one place for more than a night and never, ever, staying in a place that isn't warded. Especially against angels.

Celeste is now a five year old at ten months old and her powers are getting ridiculously strong. I want to cuff her, if only to keep her safe, but I can't bring it upon myself to do it. The powers are what make her who she is. So, instead I will just barricade the doors, get no more than two hours sleep a night and have my angel blades in my hands at all times.

I look to the back seat of the old, poorly treated golden kingswood through the rear view mirror to see the sleeping girl in the back seat. At one point, I believe the car was a golden-brown. But now the colour is faded, the exterior riddled with rust. It kills me to see such a car in such a bad condition but beggars can't be choosers and I needed wheels.

Portland, Oregon was the destination of our next stop. For no particular reason other than the fact that we've been on the road for ten hours already and I figured I should probably rest.

I start driving through the town, searching for the crappiest motel they have. The crappier it is, the less likely it is to have security. Now, that's all well and good, but something catches my eye, causing me to slam on my breaks, waking the sleeping Celeste and catching the attention of two well dressed brothers walking along the side walk.

I take a deep breath, by hands wrapping around the wheel and quickly contemplating my options.

1- I pull over, say hi. Probably get pulled into a case and almost die again. But Celeste will get to see her uncles and they'll get reassurance that we haven't been found and killed.

2- I keep driving, I hope they haven't found me, and I go about my life.

Both the boys and Celeste make up my mind for me when Celeste spots them and they spot me. I sigh and pull up in a spot beside them and turn the engine off. "Alright, Princess. Out you get." I say and open the door, revealing myself fully to the boys. They have to do a double take. It's only been a month since we last saw each other and yet I've had two major changes to my appearance. The first being my hair. The hair that a month ago was 2 inches from my shoulder, had very distinct 2 inch brown roots and was naturally wavy has been dyed black and is forced straight. The second thing was how washed up and tired I looked with pale skin and black eyes. When looking at Sam, I could see the same in him. Neither of us mention it though.

"Please tell me you've finished the hunt and you're on your way out of town?" I ask only to be met with a look that tells me it was only wishful thinking. "Of course you aren't." I sigh and rub my face before looking at the girl by my side. I place a gentle hand on her shoulder before looking back to the dumbfounded boys. "Tell us what you've got and we'll help how we can."


"So, to sum up, well... everything... Sam is going nuts to the point that self-harm isn't helping ground him anymore, you're both idiots, this case is a cursed object case?"

"Wait, What?" Dean asks, probably getting caught on me saying he's an idiot. Then again, currently he was holding my daughter's hand and swinging her arm slightly to keep her entertained.

"Is this case a cursed object case?"

"Y-Yeah. We think so. We're just following through with the person the shoes were brought from. See if they knew and all that." Sam says, trying his best to stifle a yawn.

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