Chapter 25

19 1 0

Season: 7

Episode: Reading is Fundamental


"Cas." I say, getting his attention. He's looking out the window, towards the night sky. Much like I would whenever I got a chance. Being forced into a hospital because you've been deemed 'hazardous to yourself and others' didn't get you a lot of fresh air.

"Cas, I didn't mean to upset you back there." I continue, hoping he turns around. He doesn't. I sigh, pulling up a seat near him.

"You were so good with Celeste... just now." I say, taking his hand and squeezing it slightly. "I saw you." I take a deep breath when he looks at our hands, when he doesn't squeeze back.

"What happened?" I ask. He doesn't answer.

"Fine. Can you at least answer why Celeste can't control her powers? Why I'm suddenly back to angelic puberty?"

He looks up at me. He stares at me. I stare at him. His face luring me in closer until our foreheads all but touch. A hand touches my shoulder, slowly going down until it reaches my elbow. The other hand rests on my face.

"You're so beautiful. I love your eyes." I smile slightly, staring into his eyes before he pulls back, grabbing the board game 'Sorry!'.
"Do you want to go first?"


"You know, we weren't sure at first which monkeys were gonna make it." Cas says as we play a game of sorry. "No offense, but I was backing the Neanderthals because their poetry was... just amazing." Here's some poetry for you. Shove it up yours. "It's in perfect tune... Cas picks up a card. "with the spheres. But in the end, it was you - the homo sapiens sapiens. You guys ate the apple, invented pants."

"Cas, do you know how little I care about this? We need answers. I need answers. Celeste needs answers." I say but he ignores me, continuing with his move. "Where's metatron? Is he alive? Can help? Why are our powers fritzing? Why can't you just be there for your daughter?"

"I'm sorry. I..." Tears are running down my cheeks now as he stares at me. I think I'm making a breakthrough. "I think you have to go back to start." Nope.

I roll my eyes and pick up the marker, moving it back to the start.

"This is important, Cas." I try and push, only to be motioned to continue the game. My patience is wearing thin but I do so, reading the card and moving a marker.

"If metatron can help... he could stop a lot of bad. You understand that?" I ask, deciding that maybe one question at a time may help his broken mind to register it. It doesn't. He simply picks up another card, moves another marker, then, because it landed on my marker, moves mine to the start.

"We live in a "sorry" universe. It's engineered to create conflict. I mean, why should I prosper from... your misfortune? But these are the rules. I didn't make them."

"Fine. No metatron. What about me and Celeste? What's happening to us?" I ask, staring at him.

"Amelia..." Cas sighs, looking me in the eyes. "it's your move."

I narrow my eyes and the windows of the room explode, the lights explode.

"Forget it." I snap, shaking my head. "You're either too broken or too much of a coward to do anything, Cas. Either way, you're no help."

I stand up, taking a step away from him.

"I'm sorry, Mia." I freeze. He used my nickname. He hasn't done that since... before Celeste was born -conceived even, I'm almost certain. Which means he was likely still in there. Which meant he was hiding. "No." I say quietly, refusing to look at him. "You're playing sorry." I say simply before continuing to walk off.

"Wait." Cas says and I stop, whipping my head around to look at him with a deathly cold glare.


"Sam, Dean... Celeste...they're talking to angels."

"What!?" I snap, starting to panic. They found her. They found my baby. I start running out, Castiel surprisingly quick on my heels.

That's when I remember I can fly, and that I've only been not using it to hide from angels and they've found us so... I fly in, castiel not a beat after.

"Castiel." One of the two angels say as their eyes land on him. They narrow when they land on me. "Amelia."

"Fuck you too." I smile hatefully, looking around for Celeste, sighing when I see she's safe with Dean who is standing as far away as possible in a fight position.

"Hi." Cas says with a stupid smile.

"You're alive?" Angel 1 says

"You." Says angel 2

"Hello, Hester." Cas says in greeting.

"You smote thousands in Heaven. You gave a big, scary speech. Then you were gone. What the hell was that?!" Angel 2 say, rightfully confused.

"Rude, for one thing." He says and I can't tell if he's talking about what he did or their conversation to him.

"Where have you been?" Angel 1 asks.

"Oh, Inias. Hester, I... I know you want something - answers. I... I wish it could be that... There are still many things I can teach you. I can offer, um, well, perspective. Here." Cas walks up to angel 1, holding his finger out. "Pull my finger." The angel doesn't move, printing him to encourage reason. "Uh... Uh... Meg will - will get another light, and I'll - I'll blow it out again. And, well, this time, it'll be funny, and - and we'll all look back and laugh." His smile was wide and childish.

"You're insane." The angel says and I nod in confirmation.

"Hey." Dean suddenly says from his corner with my daughter. I don't have time to focus on how scared she looked or the fact she had angelic cuffs on. I was instead focusing on the huge ass angel banishing by his side. "Heads up, Sunshine." He says and I clench my eyes shut, preparing to be shot away like I was last time, preparing to be human and dying in a hospital bed again.

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