Chapter 18

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Season: 7

Episode: The born-again identity


I look to Dean in panic, before looking to Celeste who seemed just as shocked as I was to see her father. I know she knows it's him, I know she knows not only the sound of his voice but how he looks, both the angelic and 'human' side of him. I take her hand quickly before pulling her up to carry so I can whisper in her ear. "Don't say anything yet, okay?" I beg her, playing with her long brown curls.

She just nods, gripping onto my shirt tightly as we walk inside, Cas/Emmanuel making quick work of untying his 'wife'.

"That creature hurt you." He says with concern to the woman.

"I'm okay. But, Emmanuel... They were looking for you." She says

"It's okay." He says before looking up to us, Celeste still clinging to my side like a monkey. "I'm Emmanuel." He says, holding out a hand for us all to shake. Dean reluctantly shakes it, me even more so. Celeste refuses to even look at him. She was confused and hurt and rightfully so.

"Dean. I'm...Dean." Dean says before nodding to me and Celeste. "This is Amelia and Celeste, my sister and niece."

"Thank you for protecting my wife." He says seriously, causing me to nod.

"Your wife. Right." I say, trying to hide as much hurt as possible. It's not like I ever wanted to marry Cas but I definitely liked him and he was still going to be apart of my life whether I liked it or not.

"I saw his face." Cas/Emmanuel says, looking to his wife then back to us. "His real face."

"He was a demon." Dean speaks simply.

"A demon walked the Earth." He says in astonishment.

"Demons. Whackloads of them. You don't know about...?" I start, trying to pry for extra knowledge before stopping, realising he knows nothing about nothing. This isn't just him playing a game of witness protection, he literally knows nothing. Which means he doesn't know me or his daughter. Even though all it would take is for her to pull her head away from its hiding place at my neck and look him in the eyes for him to be able to tell she's his.

"You saw the demon's true face." The woman says simply before turning to look at us. "Emmanuel has very special gifts."

"I get that." I say and Dean holds up a warning hand at me.

"I-I've heard that about... Emmanuel. That you can heal people up." Dean says

"I seem to be able to help to a certain degree. What's your issue?"

"Our brother."


"So, Daphne - is that, uh, your wife?" Dean asks as he and not-Cas ride front seat, me and a sleeping Celeste in the back, her head resting in my crossed-legged lap. It's probably good she's asleep because I can feel myself accidentally letting a few choice words slip accidentally.

"She found me and cared for me." Is he some sick and injured puppy? What the hell?

"Meaning?" Dean pushes

"Oh, it's a...strange story. You may not like it." He says simply.

"Believe me, I will." I speak up, my face momentarily being illuminated to the boys by the light of a passing car.

"A few months ago, she was hiking by the river, and I wandered into her path, drenched and confused, and... unclothed. I had no memory. She said... God wanted her to find me."

"Oh that's full of crap." I mumble, either unheard or ignored.

"So who named you Emmanuel?"

"" I raise an eyebrow and look down at my daughter. That's literally what I did while looking for names to call her. It was not an easy thing, let me tell you.

"Well, it's working for you. Must be weird not knowing who you are." Dean speaks

"Well, it's my life. And it's a good life."

"A good life?" I speak up, louder than my last comment to ensure I'm heard. "What if the person you were... what if you had a family? A family that now thinks you're dead -or worse- that you don't love them. What if... what if the person you were... was a bad guy. Do you think you can really run from that?"

There's a long time before anyone replies, Dean is staring at me through the review mirror. I pull back, hoping he can't see the tear stains that run down my cheeks. "I... don't feel like a bad person." Is all 'Emmanuel' replies.


"What the hell is she doing here." I spit, pushing Celeste behind me and Cas as Dean walks up from the convenience store with none other than Meg the fucking demon.

"It's been a while, Amelia. How's life treating ya?" She says and I narrow my eyes.

"Her face!" Cas yells as he suddenly stands in a protective position, also shielding Celeste. A wave of emotion washes over me that is rather difficult to recover from. He was protecting his daughter and he didn't even realise it.

"It's okay, we come in different flavours." She says, tucking her hands into her pockets.

"She's uh... a friend." Dean says.

"Of his, not mine." I remind, eyes narrowing. Meg just smirks.

"Perfect family portrait right there, wouldn't you say, Mia?"

"Careful, I'll kill you." I warn but her smirk remains on her face.

"Meg. I'm just here for moral support. After all, we go way back." The demon says as she looks at the angel who, now looks between me and Dean confused.

"The Winchester's and me. I just met you of course." She chuckles awkwardly when Dean gives her a warning glance.

"I think we're gonna be good friends too." Meg says seductively, walking up to Cas.

"Alright. Let's go." I say sternly, looking to Celeste and moving my head to indicate she needs to get in. I place her in the front in order to keep her as far away from the demon as possible.

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