Chapter 23

18 1 0

Season: 7

Episode: Reading is Fundamental


"So this is what dick wanted? A piece of... rock?" I ask, having only seen the package just now as we stand over it in the building we're squatting in. It's dark, musty, and coated in stain glass.

"Apparently." Sam confirms.

"Whatever dick wants is inside this." Dean says, handing us all safety glasses. He even went to the trouble of going to the children's section of whatever store he went to and got a pair of literal swimming goggles for Celeste considering no other glasses would make the cut. She looked at him weirdly but he kept insisting she wear them and she finally gives in.

Once safety gear is on, Dean picks up a mallet, taking a quick swing at the corner. Power is released, causing thunder to start rolling.

We look at each other. He takes another swing. The sky seemed pissed that we were breaking into this hunk of rock.

"That sound like something saying 'no, wait, stop' to you?" Dean asks

"Nope, keep going." I say, taking the hammer from him and swinging a few more times with much more force than Dean's hesitant swings we're doing. On the last hit, I'm pushed over, landing flat on my ass, Celeste too. Both her and I seemed to be affected by whatever that thing is while Sam and Dean are just staring at us, unaffected in the slightest. Which means it must be angelic.

I take deep breaths as I look between the guys, feeling power surge through me. I gasp and fall back so I'm lying on my back, closing my eyes. It's been so long since I felt power like this.


I wake up the next morning to the radio. I look around. "What happened?" I ask. Celeste is sitting near me, Sam and Dean by the radio.

"Something big. How you feeling?" Dean asks, turning to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I... don't know. No different than I did before that shit storm last night?"

"Really? Cause what we saw..." Dean trails off when my face both hardens and my eyes go wide in shock.

"What?" I ask, standing up.

"You looked like you were the featured lady in an R rated film, let's just say that."

"Excuse me!?" I snap.

"Dean's exaggerating." Sam clarifies for me. "You just seemed... I don't know. It's kinda like how you were when you were first discovering that you weren't exactly human." He tries to draw the best parallel he can. Memories of that month all those years ago come flooding back to me. There was shit loads of confusion, fear, anger... but whenever the power would first surge through me, before I could get overwhelmed and confused... there was always this sense of arousal, satisfaction as the warmth spread through my body it just sat there, letting it surge where it wanted to before anything actually happened. After I learnt what I was, after I learnt to control it... those feelings went away. Why did it come back? Why don't I remember it? Do I have my powers back? I'm too scared to try.

"Right, well, anyway... what's the news?" I ask, nodding to the radio.

"They're talking about the storm we set off last night." Dean clarifies and I nod, walking to the dirty old sink to wash my face, only to see the cup set nearby move way more than what I could brush off as me unknowingly bumping it.

"Bobby?" I ask and Sam turns the radio off. The two boys as well as Celeste look at me. "Bobby, is that you?"

"I think so." Sam says, holding up an EMF meter that's currently going crazy. "The fight with Dick must have drained his batteries."

"So, what exactly is this thing? I mean, it causes storms around the country, some freaky, other worldly shit happens to me and Celeste..." I pick up the hunk of rock etched with non-Egyptian hieroglyphics.

"I assume it's writing." Sam says as he sees me examine the 'words' "But I've never seen anything like it, ever. And it doesn't match anything in any book or online."

"All right," Dean says. "so big daddy chomper lands here, he grabs himself some Dick... and then he starts secretly underwriting university departments, pouring money into digs - all for this. Why?"

"No clue. We do know that he will be tearing new ones until he gets it back, though. Look, we got to take a minute, hole up somewhere safe, find out what we've got." I nod.

"Find a hole and bury ourselves. Good idea. One I've been trying to follow for the last few months."

"Rufus' cabin, then?" Dean asks


"This time, I'm doing the shopping." Dean says with a warning. Sam goes to defend himself when his phone rings. He looks down at it. "It's meg."

I frown as he answers. "What?" He asks, pausing for the reply. "What?" He asks again in a different, shocked tone as he looks to us. "Cas is awake."

"Dad?" Celeste asks, her attention suddenly piqued.

"When?" Dean asks, Sam puts the phone on speaker, holding it out to Dean. "When?" He asks again

"Last night about eight." I start doing the math in my head, counting back the hours.

"And you waited till now to call us?"

"I've been busy with Cas. He's just a tad different than when he dozed off, 'kay?"

"What do you mean, different?" I snap.

"Hey, Seacrest, guess what - not a nurse." She snaps back and I narrow my eyes. "Just playing one on TV. Want answers? Start driving."

The line goes dead and much like when I couldn't control my powers/emotions four years ago, something in my peripheral catches ablaze. Celeste jumps when she notices it. I smile look over and huff before the fire sets out.

The boys take a moment to stare at me and my blast-from-the-past power experience in as much shock as I was feeling before Sam reboots and continues the conversation.

"Great. So, Indiana?"

"Yeah. Eight o'clock last night."

"Yeah. Same time we opened up that thing." Sam noticed it too.

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