Chapter 2

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Season: 7

Episode: Meet the New Boss



"Hey." I hear a voice I've been missing for a while. I smile and jump up, running to Sam and hugging him tightly. Yeah, most of this was because I was drunk but I really did miss having him awake. I've really needed him.

"Well, look who's up walking and talking." Dean says in slight shock.

"Yeah. I, uh, put on my own socks, the whole nine."

"Well, that's uh... I mean you, uh, you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. My head hurts a little, but...basically." Sam shifts as he tries to keep my upright. I'm really drunk. "Is she- is she drunk?"

"Hammered." Dean confirms nonchalantly

"So what happened with Cas?" Sam asks as he guides me over to a chair to sit.

"Oh you know, just harbouring my newborn daughter for his dirty plan? Being God. All the cool stuff." I say as I'm say down gently, Sam's hands still on my shoulders.

"Come out to the car. I'll fill you in." Dean says.

"Wait no, let me come." I say as I go to get up.

"You're drunk and pissed. I'm not letting you hear everything again. Sleep." Dean orders, throwing me a bottle of water.


"Dean... Bobby?" I hear as I rustle from my drink induced sleep. My head was pounding but as I look to Sam and see his full blown panic, that's the least of my concern.

"Sam." I say as I stagger our from under the throw blanket someone must have put on me. "Hey, hey." I say as I grab his face in my hands.

"I'm fine." He says as he looks into my eyes and I nod. "I know, I know you are. You'll be okay..." I'm lying to both of us. "How bout we get you a drink and see how Dean is going on the car, okay?"

I don't give him a chance to respond, I only pull back and go to the fridge, grabbing us both a beer. He gives me a pity smile which I simply return. The Winchester twins have been through shit these past few months, there was no point denying it.

We walk out to the garage, I'm about to step out into the light when Sam pulls me back, a finger to his lips. In no position to argue from my raging hangover, I oblige, watching Dean and Bobby talk in assumed privacy.

"Seriously though, Bobby. Look at our lives. How many more hits can we take? So, if Sam says he's good.. good. If Mia is still standing and is able to take a hit, I take that as a win. We may not have her kid, but we have her. And I'd sure as hell prefer that over nothing."

"You believe that? All of that?"

"Yeah." Dean hesitates, licking his lips as he thinks. "No. You wanna know why? because we never catch a break. So why would we this time? I just.. just this one thing. You know? but I'm not dumb. I'm not going to get my hopes up just to get kicked in the daddy-pills again." Amen to that...

"Hey." Sam says as he walks in. My eyes go wide as I watch him. What the hell was he doing?

"Hey. How are you feeling, sport?" I hear Bobby say

"Can't complain."

"Great. What's the word? Is Mia up yet?" Dean speaks up and I press myself against the wall as to not be seen. I heard whispers while I was in and out of sleep... let her sleep or she's dealing with a lot right now, I think it's best we don't get her in on this... jokes on them, I was getting in whether they liked it or not.

"Um, no." Sam hesitates - and lies. I'm almost certain he looked back to see if I was there, probably questioning why I didn't come out. But if the following conversation is anything to go by, I'm sure he has his answer. "But... a publishing house literally exploded about an hour ago. The guy has a body count that's really getting up there. We gotta do something."

"What we've got to do is hunt the son of bitch. Unfortunately, I lost my God guns."

"Well, I mean is there some kind of heavenly weapon? Maybe something out of that angel arsenal that Balthazar stole? There has to be something that can hurt him." That arsenal is literally inside of Cas. I say, we literally cut his head off. Sure, it won't kill him, but I'd like to see him perform acts of god without a head. That... that would be interesting.

"He's God, Sam. There's nothing," Dean says and pauses. Aft first I thought he saw me, but he simply continues to speak. "But there might be someone."


I listen from the top of the stairs as the guys start the summoning spell. This was a desperate act if ever I've seen one. But I can't say it was all that stupid...

"No. No! NO! Come on!" I hear Crowley yell. Step one down, a bazillion more to go.

"Don't act so surprised." Bobby says in an insane amount of sass

"My new boss is going to kill me for even talking to you lads."

"Well, you're lucky we're not stabbing you in your scuzzy face, you little piece.." Dean grumbles before Sam interrupts.

"Whoa, wait! What new boss?"

"Castiel, you giraffe." The name sends flames running through my body.

"Is your boss?" Bobby seems sceptical.

"Is everybody's boss." Crowley fondly points out. "What do you think he's going to do if he finds out we've been conspiring? You do you want to conspire, don't you?"

"No. We want you to just stand there and look pretty." Bobby says, saying something that -if I was there- I would say.

"Listening." Crowley is intrigued.

"We need a spell to bind Death." Dean speaks up. I tilt my head. I missed that part of the conversation. It's an odd plan, a stupid one. But I can roll with it.

"Bind? Enslave Death? You having a laugh?"

"Lucifer did it."

"That's Lucifer."

"A spell's a spell." Sam ever so stupidly points out.

"You really believe you can handle that kind of horsepower? You're delusional!"

"I can." I say, walking down the stairs. Dean is looking at me as if I'm crazy, so is Bobby. Heck, maybe I am crazy. But I'd prefer crazy over useless.

"Ah, and so the prodigal mother returns." Crowley says. I narrow my eyes. "I never left, dick."

"Still as feisty as always. How's your kid going?" I start walking towards him but Sam pulls me back. "Oh, right. That didn't work out too well for you did it?" I narrow my eyes and his shirt sleeve catches fire. I was aiming for his whole body...

Crowley pats himself down. "And here I was, thinking childbirth would have rendered you human." He chuckles humourlessly and points at me. "You surprise me, Amelia."

"Enough foreplay. Back to the spell." I spit, pulling away from Sam and assuring him I can keep my cool.

"Death is the only player on the board left that has the kind of juice to take Cas." Dean points out.

"They'll both mash us like peas. Why should I help with a suicide mission?" Crowley also makes a good point. But here's my point; I want to die. I'm hoping this kills me.

"Look! Do you really want Cas running the universe?" Bobby tries to reason.

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