Chapter 12

31 0 0

Season: 7

Episode: How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters


"Sidewinder soup and salad combo goes to Big Bird." PMS-ing waiter says as he places a salad in front of Sam. "TDK slammer to Ken Doll." Another in front of Dean. "Kids fries for the little brat." A bowl on the high chair tray. "A milkshake for desperate mistress." I narrow my eyes and grab my dagger. "And a little heart-smart for creepy uncle." I go to stand up but Dean stops me, giving me a warning look.

"What is your problem?" Dean asks.

"You!" He snaps, pointing at Dean. "Are my problem!" He storms off, leaving us all dealing. All except Celeste of course who simply giggles 'he's angry' and stuffs her face with fries.

"There goes his eighteen percent." Sam mumbles

"Anyway, chief ranger... I don't think he believes in the Jersey Devil." Dean speaks

"Oh, oh," Sam says, obviously remembering something. "by the way, did he seem a little, uh, stoned to you?"

"Ranger Rick? Yeah. Definitely growing his own on the back 40 and smoking all the profits."

"He did seem to think that there was something-"

Sam is interrupted by Dean taking a bite of the sandwich and moaning. "Oh, that is good sandwich."

"What the hell did you get?" Bobby asks

Dean picks up the advertisement card and shows Bobby.

"New Pepperjack Turducken Slammer- limited time only."

"Bunch of birds shoved up inside each other. Shouldn't play God like that." I snort at the irony. All the situations were currently in are because someone played god like that.

"Hey, don't look at me sideways from that- that Chinese chicken geezer salad there, okay? This is awesome. Like the perfect storm of your top-three edible birds."

"Gross, Dean." I comment before Sam gets us back on topic.

"All right, anyways, um... The ranger did seem to think there was something out in Wharton Forest."

"Well, then I'd say it's safari time."

"Mhm. You three. I'll stay back with Celeste. Do some research and all that." I punch one of Celeste's fries and look over to the counter when I start hearing a full on argument blow out between moody teen server and what I assume is his boss.

"Up yours, Mike. Shove it right up yours!" Teen psycho takes off his apron and storms out of the restaurant.

"Well, anyway, back to bigger and better things." Dean comments before resuming to eat his burger.


"Woah woah woah." I say standing up from my position playing with Celeste. There wasn't much you could do when crashing in an abandoned house where the lights don't even work but we've made do. "On the table!?"

"Sorry, no time. Monsters to kill." Is my reply. I butch face the three of them but observe the dead thing. "What the hell is it?"

It jumps up ready to attack but all four of us are quicker. We pull out our guns and unload until it drops back down again. I tuck my gun away and look to Celeste. She's unphased by the shots, still playing with her blocks.

"The first shot must have just stunned it." Bobby comments.

"Right. That doesn't answer my question."

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