Chapter 3. Uncovering the truth

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I could feel his grip getting tighter around my forearm, his long nails piercing my skin.

A longing to break free and run away but I had so many questions to ask him.

Looking from my arm to his old sullen face he reminded me of an old teacher I'd had when I was at school.

I gazed at him whilst thoughts of who he was and how he knew of my condition raced through my mind. And I still didn't have a clue who Leon Hunter was, the name was of one I'd never heard yet sounded mildly valiant.

I'm not sure whether it was because I was wincing but he decided slowly to release his grip, eventually letting my arm go altogether but I didn't run, I had to know the truth.

My oddball eyes met his pure white ones and although he couldn't see me I felt a connection, like I knew him already as though from a previous life.

"I am sorry for putting my hands on you, I had to know you wouldn't run away," he spoke.

"Who...." I began.

"Please wait till I've finished explaining a few things first then I'll let you speak, if that's ok?" he interrupted.

I nodded but realizing he couldn't see me I replied, "OK, that's fine."

"Foremost, I am what's known as the Oracle of dreams, the people you saw are my followers, helpers if you please or spiritual guides," he started whilst I thought to myself, What is an Oracle of Dreams?

"I'm glad you asked that, a Dream Oracle is someone that can come in and out of other people's dreams, making good things happen, guide them on the right path if you will," he carries on.

You couldn't fault my expression, I'm sure I didn't just speak out loud but then how did he know what I was thinking.

"You can ask your questions at the end," he explained.

He carried on talking whilst I was in awe at how he could apparently read what I was thinking.

"I'm what's known as a shaman, a seer to be exact which means I can see things from a time to come and even things from a time lost. I have the ability to see future occurrences happen but not the power to change them. I know you are wondering how I know you and how I know about that lump but first please sit down and have this herbal tea, it will help soothe your mind and relax you."

I wanted to decline the offer but a powerful force made me accept like it was the only option.

I made my way to a tattered chair whilst another heavy robed man rushed in with a strange colored tea, puffing out multi colored steam.

It looked positively irresistible, I couldn't keep my eyes off it. Various thoughts bursting in me like 'I bet it tastes like an exotic fruit rainbow'.

I savored the first sip, feeling light-headed straight away.

The room seemed to spin; I felt uplifted like all the cares in the world had disappeared.

I felt so relaxed as though in another dream like state but all the happy thoughts came rushing in to take over making it hard to think of any bad ones.

"The tea you have just drank has an Icelandic name, REGNBOGI TE which means Rainbow Tea. The Icelandic people use it as a herbal remedy to cure things from colds to headaches and it is good for relaxation of the mind," spoke the Oracle but I was too mellow to listen properly.

In my mind I nodded, not sure if I did it in reality and also forgetting he was blind.

He carried on anyway so I'm assuming he understood.

DeJa VU Diaries - Dream Drifter (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now