Chapter 21. The Neverworld

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The moment I stepped foot in the vehicle, a blindfold was placed tightly over my eyes.

All I knew of where I was going was from the sounds and bumps of the road.

The sound of birds chirping, the breeze blowing by and a sound of faint whispering could be heard briefly.

"I want...... to go....................... with..........." spoke the Grand Followers voice but it was distorted that I couldn't hear every word.

"Is there something I should know?" I asked, wondering what it was they was talking about.

"No, just about the location of the Neverworld that we cannot share with you I am afraid," the Grand Follower replied.

I wasn't so sure I believed him but had to just go with it for now and enjoy the drive as I was, blind.

"How far is this place?" I said, realising we'd been driving for quite some time and the birds had stopped chirping.

No one spoke for a moment, making me think they'd left.

"Not far now. The sky is getting dark, just how we like it. The Neverworld glows bright when it's night," the Grand Follower replied.

Did he just recite a poem to me? I chuckled to myself quietly.

I felt cheated in this blindfold. If only I could see a little, then perhaps I may be able to appreciate the journey a bit more and see what wonders welcomed mine eyes.

The road seemed increasingly bumpier as we travelled further. I kept falling off my seat and occasionally hitting my head on the chair in front as we hit what felt like boulders.

"What the.......? Are we climbing up a mountain?" I asked, annoyed by the sudden change of terrain.

No one answered, but I knew they were still there because I could hear them whispering again. I decided this time not to ask questions.

A mountain we may have been climbing but now I could feel the road travelling downwards as though we were going in to the heart of the Neverworld.

A feeling of sickness came over me like a fairground ride, the pirate ship, I'd had the misfortune of riding when I was younger.

The bumpy road went up then down and up then down for quite a while before thankfully it stopped.

"Thank god for that. I thought for a moment we would crash," I said to, apparently deaf ears.

I heard the vehicle door open and then close and for a brief moment I was alone.

Did I take the blindfold off?

Fast conversing could be heard outside making me wonder if they were indeed planning something. Had they led me to a trap were if I took off the blindfold I was going to be killed.

I was away in my own thoughts that before I realised, heavy hands pulled me to my feet and ripped the blindfold off my head.

It was dark so any light that may have blinded me from the sudden bright shock after being in the dark for what felt like a day, was long gone.

"We're here. Step off the bus and follow us," the Grand Follower spoke before walking off followed by the other two.

I took a brief moment to take in whatever sights I could see at this point before following.

It was certainly different to anywhere I'd ever seen.

There were trees and plantation here but they just seemed dead like something had sucked the life out of them.

DeJa VU Diaries - Dream Drifter (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now