Chapter 11. The Room of Fears

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These words etched on my brain like a tattoo drawn there to remind me of what I had to do but I wasn't even sure where or how to begin this quest.

My pulse racing fast, worried that the voice might say something unexpected again and scare me to death.

I sat in that same spot wondering what to do. My head placed inside both hands thinking hard then another voice out of nowhere spoke.

"Get up now and figure this out," it said, I believe this was actually my subconscious telling me to get moving.

My head lifted away from the dark of my palms to be greeted by no dark but something I didn't expect to see here. I was sat in what looked like a damp cave glowing an eerie purple color like shining amethyst crystals carved into the very stone walls.

I immediately stood up feeling a sudden sense of purpose. I knew my task because the words where still imprinted on my mind although unsure what they meant at this time but sure I would find out soon enough.

I followed the glowing purple like it was hypnotizing me on to the path of where I needed to be. There seemed to be an aura of warmth that made me feel calm and relaxed being here although I could still smell that rancid scent but that did not stop my travels.

The way slowly unfurled into a larger cave in which the superb glow reached high above me creating an amazing light blazing this new area. You would never see something as beautiful as this in real life which made me think whether it was in fact real or a dream, either way I didn't want to leave.

The voice had said 'see what fears you most,' but all I could feel was an overwhelming happiness and one I'd never felt before. All my cares forgotten, I wasn't even sure what I was here for apart from to stare at this magnificent glow above. Reminds me of the Aurora Borealis although only seen it in pictures, it was still a sight.

My eyes averted down from above and into the cave below and in the center a little way off I could see a large fire burning the same purple. Instinct set in and I had to investigate.

The burning flesh smell was getting stronger and stronger here possibly coming from the purple fire, but what was it? An animal perhaps or something a little more sinister.

I neared closer and the feeling of happiness fell away as I saw what was burning and it made me feel sick. I fell to my knees before I'd even realized. The burning smell was coming from a human being, writhing in agony but making no screams.

I could just make out a face but didn't recognize them. It looked like a woman yet I couldn't be certain. Perhaps Alberts daughter or maybe Charlotte I dreaded. Fear set in and I could feel myself getting emotional at this thought. What was happening to me? My emotions seemed so intense that it hurt.

Wanting to cry as thoughts of losing the only people that were ever close to me scattered my vision.

"HELP!" came a sudden scream.

I looked up to see this woman staring at me eerily. Chills running down my spine as her piercing eyes locked onto mine.

I had to help her, but how? I had no water and couldn't see anything in here that would put out the fire.

'Enter the darkness and see what fears you the most,' spoke the words imprinted on my mind.

Was this a test? Set here to scare me and bring out my most inner fears.

An image fell onto my mind of when I was younger and my step-dad had fallen asleep with a cigarette in his hand and set most of the living room alight. It was just myself and him in the house at the time as my mum was working and Bobby with his friends. The heat must have awoken Ralph because he leapt out the front door, insensitively forgetting me, but luckily I was in the kitchen at the time and knew what was happening before he did but I was alone at that point. The fire burned so bright and the heat so intense it scared me stiff and the thought of burning alive feared me deep inside. The fire brigade had come just in time before it got out of hand but that image always on my mind.

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