Chapter 6. The Journey ahead

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I heard a faint haunting voice repeatedly calling that name again. Where was it coming from?

My body drifting as though ghost like, I floated towards the voice like a rope was pulling me.

I seemed to be in a large hall with no windows and no door but with lots of daylight reflecting off the walls, how peculiar I pondered.

Searching for the source of this unknown glow I drifted on my travels hearing the voice again.

But why was it calling that name and who was this Leon?

I remember Bella saying my real dads name is Damien Hunter, and this guys name is Leon Hunter, maybe they had something in common and if I found this Leon, then it may lead me to my father.

"LEON, LEON, LEON..." repeated the noise, again.

I circled this single square hall for what felt like hours, finding no one or nothing in relation to the sound.

I stood still again, repeatedly saying to myself I wish I could find that voice; I wish I could find that voice.

I turned from looking at the far end wall to the center of the room and as though always stood there, the girl from my dream and whom I'd supposedly followed from the café.

I walked towards her expecting this unknown presence to run away but she remained.

My eyes must have been deceiving me because as I neared her another figure emerged as though hidden in her shadow.

It was the same beggar man from before, Marcus I believe is what he said was his name, my understanding is that this is the Seer or Dream Oracle I spoke to.

Both remained still, staring at me, waiting for me to speak first.

"Please, I would like to understand something I didn't ask before," I said cautiously, "You mentioned something before of unlocking my mind to its full potential, what does that mean and how does one do such a thing?"

He remained silent then nodded his head as though in agreement with his own mind. 

"One cannot just unlock his own mind at will, he must first believe something so surreal can happen, he must understand that it is possible to make one's dreams a reality," he replied.

"But I still don't understand, dreams aren't real. How am I to believe any dream I have can become real?" I replied.

The two conversed as though just ignoring what I'd said.

"And another thing," I added, "Who is this woman? I see her all the time and still don't have a clue who she is or what she wants."

They both stopped and looked back at me like I'd just asked the right question.

"This is your self-consciousness, she is neither real nor fake, in fact she is not she at all. Your mind has made her into a beautiful woman as a way of telling yourself you need someone in your life. She will be there when you need something or someone you are looking for or when you are scared, lonely, at your wits end or need guidance, it's your minds way of giving you a friend when all isn't well in the world. Us meeting like this wasn't just by chance, you wanted to know where that voice was coming from and it brought you to us, you had questions that needed answering," he finished.

I strangely understood although down that this beautiful girl was just my seedy mind, playing tricks.

"But what I really want to know, who is Leon Hunter?" I asked, feeling frustrated that I still didn't know the answer.

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