Bad News

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Peter walked to his door and opened it. Ned was standing there nervously, "Uhm.. somebody wants to talk to Mj" She glanced up from behind Peter. "Okay?" She said. Peter walked out of the room, then someone familiar to Mj walked in. "Cody" She breathed out. His eyes were red. "Cody what's wrong?" She asked her older brother. "Mom. She's gone." He choked out. Mj's eyes widened. "No. No! No! You're lying" She whined. He shook his head, tears falling down his face. Mj sobbed, then fell to her knees. Her older brother walked towards her, but she pushed him away. "Her funeral is being held in 2 months. After your trip. If you want to stay, you can. If you don't, tell me" He said. "YOUR LYING" She screamed. He winced. "YOURE LYING! YOURE LYING YOURE LYING YOURE LYING YOURE LYING!" She screamed as her voice broke. Tears rushed down her face as her walls caved in. "ITS NOT TRUE! IT CANT BE TRUE! THEY SAID SHE WOULD MAKE IT!" She screamed in pain, but not to her brother. She screamed to herself. She was telling herself it wasn't true. "SHE ISNT GONE SHE CANT BE! SHE- SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO WATCH ME GRADUATE... SHE WAS- SHE WAS SU SUPPOSED SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!" She screamed, stumbling over her words. "Michelle" He said sadly, trying to hug her. She pushed him roughly. "NO DONT TOUCH ME! DONT TOUCH ME! ONLY TWO PEOPLE CAN TOUCH ME AND ONE OF THEM IS DEAD" She cried out. She backed up, stumbling onto Peter's bed. She pulled off the flannel and clutched it in her arms. Cody walked forward and took something out of a bag. It was a little stuffed moose. It was old and vintage. It was in a little plaid dress. "Mom told me to give this to you, she said you would know what it was. I'm so sorry Michelle." He said, placing the stuffed animal on the bed and turning around. "Goodbye" He said. She didn't respond. Her cries and sobs shook her entire body. She didn't know how to handle anything. She grabbed the stuffed animal and clutched it to her chest. "Momma" She sobbed.

Cody left the room, but Peter heard everything. So did everybody else but Peter heard it louder and clearer. Cody Shut the door. "Who's the other person" He asked. "Me" Peter said. Cody looked at him with surprise, "Peter Parker? Lifelong best friend of my little sister?" Peter nodded. "Go on in man. She needs you" He said. Peter nodded and walked in quietly. He closed the door and walked to her slowly. She didn't seem to notice him though, because she was crying into the stuffed animal and his flannel.

He put his hand on her shoulder softly, and her head shot up, "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH- Peter?" He smiled softly. She sobbed and threw herself onto him. He (of course) caught her and stood still as she sobbed. "She's gone" She whispered into his shoulder. He nodded softly, "I know. I'm so sorry Michelle" She held him tighter, "please don't let go" "I won't" He said softly. She seemed to calm down a little bit, but tears still streamed down her face. He pulled away, and sat on the bed. She sat next to him, trying to breathe.

He held her hands softly, turning to face her. They sat, legs crossed, facing each other. She tried covering her face, but her kept his hands on hers. "I.. I miss her" She said. Peter nodded softly. "You promise you won't leave?" She said. "I promise" He replied, whole heartedly. She nodded, then rested her head on his shoulder as hot tears leaked out of her closed eyes. "I love you loser" She said (AS A FRIEND FOR NOW) He smiled, "I love you too dork" (AS FRIENDS AGAIN).

After a while, it was getting dark. Mj and Peter were still sitting in comfortable silence. Then Ned knocked on the door. Mj looked up, her eyes red and puffy. The room was dark, the blinds were down, and the lights were off. Peter stood up reluctantly, then walked to the door, opening it wide. The light shone through, and Mj flinched. She covered her eyes with the blanket on Peter's bed.

"Ned are you serious right now? Now really isn't a good time" He said in a low voice. "I'm sorry Peter, but I just had to tell you. They're canceling the trip. Rescheduling it to next year, and instead we're all going to Orlando" Ned explained. "Everyone was ordered to go home because of the water thing, so start packing. We're leaving tomorrow" Ned said. Peter was shocked, but not really. He nodded and closed he door. Mj was looking towards him with sad eyes. "Hey..." He said, walking back. Her eyes watered again, and she started breaking. "P-Peter- Peter" She stumbled over her words. He hurried towards her and let her tackle him in a hug. "I can't handle this" She spoke softly, her voice broken and shaky. "She.. I" She added. Peter soothed her, letting her calm down. She cried silently, and he held her close.

She pulled away after a while, then stood up and walked into her room. She pulled out everything in her closet and everything else she had. She packed it all away, but left the moose and a change of clothes out. She walked back in, Peter was pulling the blankets down from his bed. He glanced towards it. She walked forward and laid down. He laid next to her and looked at her. She wrapped her arms around the moose, and he hugged her softly, letting her cry again, knowing how hard this was. "Mj? Do you want to talk to me? It sometimes feels better to let it all out" He said softly. "She... she had cancer and it was getting worse but the doctors told us that they could treat her but they wouldn't tell us the results yet and now she's gone and it's all their fault I didn't get to say goodbye!" She poured out and tears washed down her face. "Mj I'm so sorry" He said softly. "How do you do it Peter?" She asked. "I uh... I don't know. I just ignore it" He said. "I remember when we first met. Aunt May invited us all over for dinner. You were running around the apartment, pretending you were Ironman. Then when you saw me you stopped dead in your tracks. You pulled off your mask and a goofy grin was on your face. That was really when I realized how much of a loser you were." She said dreamily. "When I first saw you, you wanna know what I almost said?" He asked. She nodded, looking up into his eyes. "Ms. Potts? Is that you?" He chuckled. She dropped her jaw with a snort, "No you didn't!" "I did! I swear I did!" He laughed. "You little flirt!" She giggled. "Hey I didn't know what I was thinking! But good thing I didn't say it, if I did you probably would have hated me" He chuckled. "You would have been even more of a dork to me" She giggled.

After an hour of talking about their Childhood, they started falling asleep. "Goodnight Ms. Potts" He joked. "Goodnight Webs" She said softly, sinking into his embrace and falling to sleep.

I'm here- P.PxM.JKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat