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After they ate dinner, Peter and Mj told her grandparents they still had work to finish, so they went back into her room. Once she closed the door, Peter grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her bed. He sat down across from her, with a determined look in his eyes. "What are we" He said calmly. Mj's eyes widened, and her jaw fell open. "I.. I don't know" she said quietly. He nodded, then moved his hand forwards and gently rubbed his thumb on her palm.

"Am I leading you on?" Mj blurted, looking up quickly with tears prickling her eyes. Peter blinked, then processed what she said. "No! No of course not." He said, moving closer to her. "I'm sorry Peter. I know I get on your nerves and push everyone away and I'm a bitch to everyone.. I don't understand why you still try with me" She said, avoiding his eyes.

Peter's heart shattered. He hated hearing Mj saying things like that about herself. He wanted desperately to show her that's not at all true, but he knew she wouldn't listen. "Mj I know you are going to be stubborn about it. But you don't get on my nerves. You may push people away but that's okay, that just makes it harder for fake people to drag you down. And your not a bitch. Your just snarky and sarcastic but it's one of the things that makes you.. you. And.. and I like you. A lot." He said, moving his hand and holding her face. "And I try with you because you make me feel.. good. I feel warm and.. and less alone when your near me" he added on.

Mj's face was flooded with tears. She was shaking because of the pressure she was enduring, trying not to break in front of him. "And how do I know your not fake" She said, trying to hold back her tears. Peter sat shocked for a second, then pushed himself forwards and kissed her gently. She melted into his lips, and her body relaxed and fell against his. He pulled away, still holding her face. Her head was facing his and her body was slouching. "Mj I swear on everybody I love I will never leave you" He said, nodding to his words. She nodded weakly. Peter pulled his hands away and she sat up. Then she opened her arms and waited.

Peter pulled her into his embrace and hugged her tightly. She hid her face into his neck and felt her eyes get droopy. "Peter" she mumbled, her words getting muffled my his shirt. "Yeah Mj?" He asked softly. "Are we dating?" She said, her words still muffled. Peter's cheeks reddened, "Do you want to?" She sat up, and met his eyes. ".....yeah" she said quietly. Peter's lips curled into a wide smile, and Mj couldn't help but smile too. They both leaned in, and kissed for a second, then she laid back on into his embrace and they both fell asleep.

Abby knocked for the fourth time and groaned. She opened the door quietly and sneaked in. She glanced around and didn't see her sister or Peter. She turned around and caught glimpse of her bed. Her lips curled into a smirk when she saw Mj cuddled into Peter's arms as he leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. "Cuties" she whispered, then grabbed Mj's polorid and snapped a picture of them. She took the picture and hung it up on the wall next to her closet, then took a couple more and shoved one in Peter's bag, then she slipped one into Mj's phone case. Abby giggled quietly, then slipped out of the room, and closed the door silently so they wouldn't wake up.

Peter's eyes fluttered open. It was dark in the room and he left pressure on his body. He looked down and saw familiar untamed, curly, brown hair. He smiled, remembering the events that had just occurred. He started to slip out of under her grasp, then lifted her and slowly tucked her in. He went to her desk and picked up her phone, then walked back to her bed and made sure the ringer was on. He set the phone next to her and picked up the little moose and laid it in between her arms. He smiled at her, then walked to the window and slid out, grabbing his backpack on the way.

The next morning Mj woke up to her alarm blaring next to her. She groaned and fumbled with her phone, then hit the stop button. She sat up and noticed she was still wearing the clothes she was wearing the day before. Then she remembered the events of the day before and felt her heart flutter. A smile plastered itself onto her face and she crawled out of bed. She went to her closet and saw a picture hanging on the wall. She looked at it, then felt her cheeks burn. She turned around and stormed out of her room and into her sisters. She slammed open the door and Abby jolted awake. "ABIGAIL JONES" Mj yelled angrily. Abby's expression curled into a devious look. "What my dear sister?" She said smugly. Mj crossed her arms, "I hate you" She walked out of the room and went back to her closet and picked out an outfit. She saw his flannel hanging on the hook in her closet.

Her cheeks turned red, then she pushed away her thoughts and changed into a quick outfit. She tied her hair into a low ponytail, then grabbed her phone and turned it around to put it in pocket. She noticed a change of color in it, then looked closer. She groaned and shoved her phone into her jacket pocket, then grabbed her backpack.

She made her toast, got everything ready and then rushed out of her apartment, Abby following close behind. They rushed to the bus. Mj walked towards it but Abby grabbed her wrist. "So you gonna sit next to Peter?" Abby said in a snarky tone. Mj felt the blood rush to her cheeks. "Abby shut up before I rip your throat out" Mj said, then rushing into the bus. She caught a glance at Ned, then smirked. Mj groaned to herself, Peter wasn't on the bus yet. Abby made eye contact with Mj, then smiled innocently while she sat next to Ned.

"Mj and Peter is a go." Abby whispered to Ned. Ned nodded happily, then looked up when Peter stumbled onto the bus.

Peter saw Ned sitting next to Abby, and his heart stopped. He looked towards the back of the bus and saw Mj trying to hide herself. Peter groaned and walked towards her, whispering a quick, "I hate you" to Abby and Ned. He sat next her her cautiously and his hand brushed against hers. She glanced down at their hands which were very close to each other's. She slowly pushed her hand into his, and intertwined their fingers. She breathed in deeply, then closed her eyes as she felt her face heat up. Peter's heart was fluttering and they hid their hands.

The bus came to a stop and they pulled their hands away as they walked off. Abby and Ned stopped outside the bus, then made eye contact with them. Mj walked towards her sister angrily, but Abby and Ned ran away. Peter walked up next to her slowly and Mj looked at him. He reached forwards and intertwined their hands again. They walked forwards and into the school.

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