Peter I love you

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Mj's POV (third Person)

She woke up not feeling the warmth Peter radiates when every she hugs him. "Peter?" She croaked out, sitting up in his bed. He didn't respond. She furrowed her eyebrows and walked out of his room to see May in the kitchen. "May?" She asked softly, going towards the counter. May turned and smiled warmly at the teen. "Oh hello Mj!" She said enthusiastically as Mj sat at the bar stool. "Where's Peter?" Mj asked quietly. May pressed her lips into a thin line. "He's.. with Nick Fury." She said, pouring Mj a glass of cold water.

Mj felt her expression crumble, "Oh." May sighed and handed her the glass, "Yeah. He said something about it being his fault? I don't know" Mj nodded and chugged the water down. She set it on the counter and stood up. "I'm gonna go to his room. Thank you for the water." She said, backing up towards the room. May nodded and smiled again. Mj turned and walked into Peter's room then closed the door behind her and leaned against the door. She sighed and held back tears. "Why'd you go?" She said sadly, referring to both of them.

She closed her eyes and a tear slid down her cheek. She slid down the wall and hid her face in her hands, breathing in his scent. She stood up and walked to the window, then reluctantly climbed up to her room and opened the window. Everything was the same in her room. Her door shut and the ruffle in her bed from Mj calming down Peter the day before. She breathed in painfully and walked out of her room. Her grandparents were sitting at the table with the two kids. Mj bit back tears when the twins looked at her with hope.

"Mj! Your back! Is Abby here too!?" They exclaimed. Mj let out a muffled sob. She knelt down to their level as the ran towards her. They hugged her tightly. "No... no I'm so sorry.. Abby's not coming back." She cried, holding them tightly. "I love you guys so much." She said as they pulled away. "I love you too!" They said in unison, not grasping the fact that their older sister wasn't coming back. They turned back to their grandparents and Mj walked to Abby's door.

She inhaled sharply as she opened the door. Just the sight of her room triggered the tears to fall. She shut the door behind her and turned on the light. She walked towards the bed pushed up against the wall and sat down on it hesitantly. She reached towards the stuffed bunny Abby has had since she was a little baby. The soft fabric rubbed against her skin and the sobs poured out of her throat. She had been trying so hard to keep it together around Peter and her siblings, but when she was finally alone she was able to breakdown.

"Why? Why did you have to go?" She sobbed, clutching the bunny to her chest. "I need you Sissy." She cried.

The tears didn't stop falling for at least an hour. Then she got a call from May.

"He's What!?" She shrieked into the phone, standing up quickly. "I'll be right there." She said, then hung up the phone. She rushed out of her sisters room after putting the Bunny back and ran into her room, frantically changing her pants into some jeans and running down into Peter's room. She pulled off his sweater and grabbed a red one and pulled it on, the sleeves going down to her palms and pulled her hair into a quick ponytail. She ran out of his room and down the apartment stairs with May following behind her.

They ran into the avengers compound and the shabby guy rushed towards them. "He's in his room, but he hasn't woken up." He said, causing Mj's heart to beat rapidly. She breathed in heavily, pushing back tears and nodded. "Here, I'll take you. I'm gonna talk to May about his condition." Happy said, then showed Mj the way to Peter's room.

He opened the door for her and her breath caught at the sigh of him. She stifled a sob and Happy closed the door after he walked out. She slowly walked towards the boy laying unconscious on the bed. "Peter.. peter?" She said quietly, pulling his hand into hers. "Tiger c'mon... cmon please get up." She cried softly, tears leaking down her cheeks. "Peter.." She said, holding her hand to his face. "Please.." She said again.

"Please Peter I love you." She said, slowly breaking into a sob. "Peter, Peter Please." She sobbed, falling to her knees and laying her head on his chest. "I'll wait for you Tiger." She whispered, playing with his hand.

After a couple of hours May came in the room. She saw how Mj was curled up on a chair and holding onto Peter's hand as tight as she could. "Mj? Sweetie?" May said, walking towards the girl. She looked up, tears still falling down her cheeks and her eyes red. "Oh hunny, come here" May said, crouching down to the chair and hugging Mj softly. "He's gonna be okay. I know it's scary but he's tough. He heals quickly." May cooed to her. Mj nodded and held May. "Okay." She breathed out. May pulled away, "I'm gonna get you some water." Mj nodded as the older woman walked away.

Mj turned back to Peter once May left. "She better be right Peter. I don't know what I would do without you, loser." She said, hot tears stinging her eyes and cheeks as they fell. She listened to the beeping from the machine he was hooked up to. She laid her head back down on his chest, "please be okay"

A day has gone by and he's still asleep. Mj has stopped crying, but she hadn't slept. No matter how many times May told her to go home she refused. "I'm not leaving him May. I can't leave him." She would say, turning down the woman's words.

Mj finally obeyed May and went to take a shower. She washed her hair and body and changed into the clothes she had on before. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed the details. Her eyes were dark, back to they were before Peter started helping her. There were dark bags under her eyes, and they were bloodshot. Her nose was tinted red and it burned to touch. She inhaled sharply and pulled her damp hair into a ponytail, then felt her eyes watering again.

She walked back into into Peter's room and slid into the chair again. "Mj, you need sleep." May said as the girl curled as close to the bed as she could. "Okay May. But I'll sleep here. I'm still not leaving." She said, intertwining her hand with Peter's. "Okay hun. I'll leave the room." Mj nodded and laid her head on Peter's chest as she slowly fell asleep.

She felt her hair being moved so she opened her eyes and looked up, her eyes meeting the brown eyes she'd fallen in love with. "Oh my god!" She said, letting go of his hand and wrapping her arms around his neck, causing his hand to jerk her hair out of the ponytail. She pulled away with tears in her eyes, "oh my god you're awake!" Peter was lost in his gaze, he was just staring in thought. "Peter!" She said loudly, making him jump. "What's wrong?" She said, moving her hand to his cheek.

"You adorable." He blurted, "And your hair is really pretty." She blushed and rolled her eyes. "You've been in a coma for two days and the first thing you do is compliment me!?" She said, smacking his shoulder. He chuckled and nodded, "Of course. You deserve every compliment." She shook her head and then noticed Peter's expression fall. "Peter?" She said, shuffling closer to him. "It was my fault." He said, moving towards the wall and away from Mj.

"It's my fault she's dead." He said, taking his hand away from hers. She shook her head and climbed onto his bed. He started pressing himself against the wall. Mj looked down and felt tears again. "Fine" She whispered, then got off his bed and walked to his door. "Shit no wait!" Peter said, pulling off the IV in his arm and stumbling towards her. She turned to look at him and stumbled under his weight when he wrapped his arms around her. "Please don't leave me." He mumbled into her hair.

She smiled sadly and hugged him back, "I won't Peter. I promise." She pulled away and wiped the tears off his cheeks. "Now, I'm tired and I want to sleep so let's go lay down." She said, pulling him back to his bed.

Ya girl didn't edit and it's like 12 so oops I have school tmrw gotta blast 🤪✌🏻

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