I love you Sissy

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"No" He breathed, scared of what might have happened. Mj looked at him, confusion lacing her eyes, "What?" He felt his heart clench and he looked down at the petrified girl. "I can't... I can't hear her heartbeat.." He choked. Mj's eyes widened, and she looked at her sister. "No! No.. No!" She sobbed, pulling herself from Peter to go hug her sister but the paramedics were already there, getting her onto a stretcher. Mj tried to grab them but Peter held her back as they got in the truck. "No! No no no no!" She repeated, heart breaking sobs ripping out his heart.

Peter stared off as they drove out of sight. She was sobbing, and holding his arm tightly. He looked around and saw Fury and Beck walking towards them. "Mj I'm so sorry.. it's my fault if I was faster and stronger I could have saved her- "Peter shut up. It's not your fault that Molten monster was stronger than you." She cried. "Just.. just please stay with me. I can't lose you too." She sobbed, pulling him closer. He held her securely in his arms and looked up at the two older men when they approached. Beck looked sad and sympathetic, and Fury was ignoring the problem. "Let's go Parker. We have work to do." Fury said.

"No. No I'm not leaving her." Peter stated, standing up but holding Mj tightly. "Parker lets go. She'll be fine." Fury groaned. Peter shook his head, "no. It's your fault. You dragged me into this mess and now her sister is gone I'm not doing anything else for you." Fury stared angrily, but was impressed with the kid. Peter turned and shot a web, pulling him and Mj up.

They got back to Peter's apartment, but as they went back it started pouring. Mj was soaked, but Peter was dry because of the suit. Peter pulled a blanket from the top bunk off and threw it on the bottom bunk. He went to his closet and handed Mj a sweater and some warm pajama pants. "Here change into this..." He said. She nodded, then walked to the bathroom.

Peter changed out of his suit and threw a fuzzy blanket into the dryer. Mj walked out after about 10 minutes, her eyes were red and puffy. She looked adorable in his clothes tho. The sleeves were a little long and they went past her palms. The pants were baggy and she tripped on it a little but caught herself. Peter grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around Mj. She was shivering and as soon as the blanket hit her she relaxed, but tears rolled down her cheeks.

Peter pulled her into a hug and she sobbed against his chest. Mj's phone started ringing and she answered it hesitantly. "Hello?" She said softly, trying to mask her sobs. "Hello is this Michelle Jones?" A female voice said. "Yes this is her." Mj said. "I'm very sorry Miss, but you need to come to the emergency room right away." The female said, then hung up. Peter grabbed his phone and called Happy, asking for a ride.

They got to the hospital and Mj clutched Peter's hand as they walked in. Mj was too hysterical to say anything so Peter told the front desk about the situation. They told them what room to go to and Mj reluctantly walked towards the room, pulling Peter with her.

They walked into the room and Mj's grandparents were standing in the room, tears falling down their cheeks. Cody and Alyssa we both in the corner, their hands covering their mouths. Then Mj focused on the bed. Abby was lying limply on the bed. Mj sobbed and rushed to her sister. "No No No No No!" She sobbed, holding onto her sister as tears streamed down her face. "No Abby please, please come back to me." Mj sobbed, clutching her sister. Abby's head turned and a painful smile pushed on her lips. Abby reached her hand to Mj's face and held her cheek weakly. "It's not his fault" she whispered, her breath short. She was growing more and more pale as her time came closer to the end. "It's my time now Mj. You hold onto him for me okay?" Abby said softly, a tear rolling down her cheek. Mj shook her head as she sobbed, falling to her knees and looking at her sister.

"I love you Sissy"

Then... the faint beeping came to an end.

Abby's hand fell.

"no no no no no!" Mj sobbed grabbing her sisters hand that was once resting on her cheek. "Please! Please! Not you too, please not you" She sobbed out, trying desperately to wake her sister. "Please" She whispered again.

"Why you?"

A doctor came up behind Peter in the doorway. He quickly moved out of the way and the doctor walked in. "I need you to let go of her please. I need her guardian/parent to come with me." The doctor said softly to Mj. Mj shook her head and sobbed harder, gripping the blankets on the bed. Cody sighed and tried pulling her away but she screamed and pushed him aggressively. "Can someone please confine her?" The doctor said kindly. She sobbed and moved closer into a corner, still holding her sisters hand.

Peter walked forwards and knelt down to her level. "Hey. Hey Mj look at me." He said quietly, moving his hand to her face. She opened her eyes and started softening her body. He quickly wiped away his tears, and pulled her hand down and intertwined their hands. He moved closer too her and wrapped his arm around her waist. He stood up and pulled her with him, she clutched him tightly. "C'mon Mj..." he mumbled quietly. She moved in his arms and hid her face in his shoulder, her eyes still open and looking around the room.

Mj's eyes met Alyssa's and they weren't filled with the normal hatred she knew so well, no they were filled with tears and pain, and sympathy. And a hint of proud. She closed her eyes and let the darkness consume her. "Mj Hey come on they want us to leave." Peter whispered to her quietly. She nodded slightly and he pulled away. She looked at her sister once more, then walked towards her.

She took her sisters hand as tears swelled in her eyes. "I love you too Sissy." She said quietly, then kissed her sister's forehead, and turned back to Peter with tears streaming down her cheeks. She walked towards him and they left the room.

As soon as they left the room, Mj pulled Peter's hand and threw her arms around his neck. He held her waist and she cried silently into his neck. She heard people shuffling out of the room and she held Peter tighter. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she slowly looked up. It was Alyssa. "Hey Mj.." She said cautiously. Mj sobbed and curled into Peter. "I'm so sorry for how I've treated you." She said, then smiled softly, and walked down the hall. Mj looked up at Peter and noticed the tears falling down his cheeks. "It wasn't your fault." She croaked out, tears falling faster.

"She told me. She told me that it wasn't your fault... and that I should hold onto you." She mumbled. Peter smiled sadly, and pushed her hair out of her face. "C'mon, lets get you home." He said.

They got back to the apartment and Mj didn't once let go of Peter. Either she was wrapped in his arms, or their hands were intertwined. They walked up the stairs and Mj didn't let go when Peter started walking to his room. "Mj.. I think you should go home." He said cautiously. She shook her head, "I can't. There's no way." He nodded softly, then opened the door and they walked in. May was sitting on the couch and she stood up quickly, turning to look at them. May observed the two teens with tear streaked cheeks. May closed her parted lips and watched as Mj started crying again, she was obviously lost in thought.

Mj turned and hugged Peter tightly. Peter looked over at May and he shook his head. Mays eyes widened and she sat back on the couch, her hand covering her mouth. Peter helped pull Mj into his room and she let go. "Wait what?" Peter said, turning to face her. She crawled onto his bed and laid down, covering her face with her hands.

Peter left the room and asked May to warm a blanket, and she nodded, then replied with "I'll make some tea too" He nodded. Peter walked back into his room and walked to his bed. She looked up, and started crying harder. "Hey Mj, it's okay.." he said, trying to grab her hand. She pulled away and sobbed painfully. "I'm being annoying. I know I am." She cried quietly. He frowned and his lips parted. "No, no you're not. You aren't being annoying at all." He said sternly, trying to hold her.

But she kept pulling away.

"I'm annoying, I'm being clingy and I won't let go of you I know I'm being annoying" she whispered. He shook his head, "no, no Mj that's not true. You're not being annoying okay? You're in a bad state of mind and if I comfort you then so be it you can stay by my side for as long as you need." He said, finally breaking her wall. She looked up, hot tears flooding her eyes.

"Peter.." she breathed, "I l-"

May walked in with the blanket and tea.

Hahah losers you thought.
Also rip Abby, I loved her character but hey it was important to the plot sooooo...

Yeah I'm sorry for all of this angst right here but oh well.

I also didn't edit again so if you see errors opsies. 😗✌🏻

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