Green Eyes

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It's been a week. A week since she pushed him away. A week since he let her go. Peter opened his eyes, flinching as the sun shone in through his open window. Ever since that day he always had his window open. Not wanting to close it just in case he heard her. Although he knew that wasn't possible, she was gone.


She sat up in her bed, getting a splitting migraine from the sudden light. "C'mon Sissy, time for school" Abby said, softly pulling her out of bed, completely aware of what had happened the week before. Mj shook her head with a groan and eventually gave up, standing up next to her sister. "I know it's hard to get up Mj, but we have to. We have to for Jewels and Alex" Abby said, placing her hand on Mj's arm. Mj nodded. "I'll leave you to get dressed. It's supposed to be cold today, maybe dress a little warmer" Abby said, turning and walked out of Mj's room. "Okay" She said, her voice quiet. She walked to her closet and opened it, searching for something to wear. She felt her hand fall on a flannel, but it was different from the rest of hers. She widened her eyes, realizing what it was.

It's Peter's Her mind screamed. Her heart pounded and she pushed the flannel away. She took a deep breath, then grabbed a black sweatshirt. She pulled it on, then got some greyish/white jeans and put them on, topping her outfit off with her black converse and pulling her hair into her usual low ponytail.

She stared at herself in the mirror, then softly rubbed her scarred wrist. She hated herself. She hated everything about her body, her hair, her face, her wardrobe. She hated it all. She thought nobody would ever love her. Why would anyone love me? She thought. There isn't any point in loving you Her mind yelled. She swallowed thickly. Bullshit! Peter loves you! He said it himself! Her heart screamed at her. He was lying! He just didn't want to deal with a suicide on his hands! Her mind yelled back. "Shut up! Shut up!" She yelled, slamming her fists on the bathroom counter. She hated her mind and heart too. Constantly fighting, yelling at each other about how to live and what to do. She ran cold water, then splashed it on her face. She breathed in, then grabbed her pill bottle and took an anxiety pill. She sighed and set it down, then walked out of the bathroom to start making herself breakfast.


Peter stood up, knowing May wasn't there. He walked to his closet and pulled on a button up shirt and threw a sweater over it, flipping up the collar then put on some casual jeans and some white converse. He sighed and brushed his hair, leaving it free. He walked out of his kitchen and grabbed his backpack, then grabbed the lunch May had prepared for him. He shoved it into his bag, then grabbed a bagel and waited impatiently for it to cook. He spread the cream cheese, then pulled his backpack on and grabbed his keys. He rushed out the door and ran down the stairs, stumbling as he tried to get to the bus on time.


After Mj made sure Jewels and Alex ate, she told her grandma they could go. They all piled into the car and Mary(Mj's gma) dropped Mj and Abby off. They walked into the school and parted ways, going to their lockers. Mj opened hers and pulled out her first period text book. She sighed heavily, then walked to the class as the bell rang. She sat in her seat and pulled out her sketch book. She felt Peter sit next to her. She ignored his presence, and continued drawing. She didn't know what she was drawing until it was finished. She felt her face get hot. It was her. But not just her. It was her and her mom. Her mom's smile was wide and Mj was holding her tightly, she was young.. about 8. She stared down at the paper, then watched as the lead smudged from her tears. She closed her eyes, then closed her book. She looked out the window, her hands resting on her book.


Peter could hear her softly sniffling. He softly placed his hand on hers, and her head whipped around. He expected her to pull away, but she didn't, in fact, she turned her hand and laced it with his. "I'm giving you a chance." She said quietly. He nodded, "Okay." He smiled softly and he noticed her cheeks turn pink.

The bell rang and Mj stood up, pulling her hand away and walking out to the hall.

Lunch soon rolled around and Peter, Ned, Mj, Betty, and Liz were all sitting at the table. Liz and Betty left the table to go the bathroom. "Ned" Peter said quietly. "Yes?" Ned said, looking up from his plate of food. "Liz has been.. off lately hasn't she?" He said. Ned nodded. "Yeah I've noticed that. She doesn't seem like herself anymore." Peter nodded in agreement. "Somethings wrong. I can feel it" He said. "Oh with your special spidey sense" Mj said, pushing into the conversation with a snarky tone. "Yes actually" Peter shot back, but a goofy smile was slowly etching on his face. She smiled smugly, then went back to her book.

Liz walked back in. She seemed to be looking around the room, as if she didn't know what was going on. She came to the table and sat down. "Peter...." She trailed off. "Liz?" He said. Mj suddenly stood up, "I'll be back." She walked out, but knew she was coming back for she left her book. "I'm gonna get more food" Ned said. He also left so it was just Peter and Liz. He stood up and she did too, rather quickly. "Peter" She said again, but her voice sounded... sincere? It was like it was before she moved. It was smoother and kinder.

"Liz? Are you alright?" Peter said. She parted her lips, "no. Peter look into my eyes" He furrowed his eyebrows but looked. "What about them?" He said, although something seemed odd about them. Her pupils dilated, then went back into little dots. "Oh. Hi Peter" She said, the cold voice from before was back. "I have to go Liz" He said, then rushed out of the cafeteria, grabbing his backpack, Mj's backpack, and Neds. He threw Neds backpack at him then gestured to follow him. Peter slammed into Mj as he turned the corner. "Oh shit I'm sorry Mj" He said. "It's okay.. why do you have my backpack though?" She said. "Oh right. Here" he said, handing it to her. She pulled it on, "Okay.. explain now" He nodded, "Okay. But not here" She furrowed her eyebrows and looked over at Ned, who was equally surprised. Peter grabbed their wrists and pulled them away.

Once they got to a secure area, he turned to them. "Listen, something is wrong with Liz" he said. Mj crossed her arms, "Your just now realizing that?" "No! It's worse than that." He snapped. She widened her eyes, then frowned again. "Listen. She told me to look in her eyes but she sound sincere, like you know how the old Liz would talk. Then she snapped back into it. It's really weird" He said. Mj raised an eyebrow, "So what was so weird about her eyes?" He shrugged, "Nothing... they were just the normal green" Mj's hands fell. "Peter her eyes aren't green"

"What yes they are" He said. Mj shook her head, "No her eyes are brown" Peter furrowed his eyebrows, "Then why were they green when I looked?" Mj shrugged, "I don't know" "Guys I'm going back to the cafeteria.. I'm hungry" Ned said, "Plus I don't understand anything you guys are talking about" Peter glanced over "Alright Ned." Ned smiled and left. Peter turned back to Mj. She sighed and sat down. He sat next to her.

She softly rested her head on his shoulder. "What do you think is up with Liz?" She asked quietly. Peter sighed, "I have no idea". She nodded, then sat up and turned to face him. "You'll figure it out. Your spiderman" She said, resting her hand on his shoulder. He nodded and glanced at her. "Yeah but... I don't know how I'm gonna do it without Mr. Stark" He said softly, tears slowly filling his eyes. "He was like a father to me..." He said, his voice shaking. She nodded softly. "I know Peter. But it's gonna be okay. Ned and I will be there to help." She said, scooting closer to him. He nodded, "Thanks Mj. It means a lot" She smiled, "Of course Webs". He leaned forwards and hugged her tightly. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

I'm here- P.PxM.JOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant